Please help me find this hentai anime


New Member
Oct 9, 2018
Hi. I'll try to be descriptive as possible:
-I remember watching it at around 2013/2014 so it might've been release before or during this time
-first scene shows a girl masturbating and the guy doing the voice over (i think he was watching her) says that after 'that' happened, the girl keep coming back to his house
-the girl was a classmate (or maybe friend) of his younger brother
-not sure how they ended up in the guy's room but the older brother was then remarking at how mature the girl's body was, then they had their first sex scene...
-im not sure but I dont think the girl was a loli since she has big boobs despite young age (maybe around late middle school)
-as they were doing it, the younger brother heard them, but he thought that his older brother was watching porn so he said to himself to remember to borrow it later
Been looking for this for so long now..... :(