Mini-SD JAV Titles


Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
What are we talking about? For 16:9 titles we're talking about:


640x360 is just below what is considered Standard Definition and is probably as small as you'd want to get. Anything below that and you'd be really trying to figure out what is going on in those hard to reach places. That's just my opinion. Depending on your monitor resolution, smaller than (what I call) Mini-SD might work for you but my experience caps my video specs right there. Now, I am completely guilty of hoarding 1080p and 720p titles for some time. And I also have quite a few 480p HQ titles. But as I've said in the past the Mini-SD format is growing on me. They are bite-sized versions of titles but are just as viewable.

Firstly, there seems to be a lot lately. Most titles coming out now that make the rounds are the infamous watermarked titles. Those are obviously taken from sites that offer streaming titles. Just go to like you've seen on the watermarks. It is a site using Silverlight for delivery and someone has figured out how to capture titles from them and then post them on Ryushare for the masses. Either that or they have an account and are being extremely generous. Take your pick, but the point is most are 640x360. I highly doubt they are getting SD or higher versions from the site and encoding them down to offer them up.

Before I get to Secondly, it isn't hard to notice how many of those titles are offered up DAILY. And I hesitate to use the word "offered". It's more like throwing crumbs on the sidewalk in the dark section of the park where the dirty old men sit and watching the pigeons scramble for them. They just post and post and post and see how many downloads they get, like a conveyor belt. They don't ask for thanks or rep or any acknowledgement at all, have you noticed? That tells me they aren't posting to share but to get the clicks. There seems to be an audience, however. To each their own. And before you ask, no it doesn't bother me I just notice it. And no, I don't partake in their uploads. I'm allergic to watermarks. Okay, done with that.

Secondly, (back to talking about Mini-SD titles) their file sizes are decent. 1080p versions would be around 4.5GB or MORE for a full 2-hour title. Yes, you would get that FHD feel but honestly not the look. They can get away with labeling things as Full High Definition because there are, believe it or not, bottom levels of what can be considered such. Basically if the dimensions are between 720p and 1080p it can be considered HD and FHD, respectively. Take a standard Blu-ray title. They encode the bitrate to around 24Mbps and more, but a JAV title uploaded as FHD is usually around 6Mbps.

At any rate (no pun intended) they can look slightly better than SD titles just larger. There isn't an increase in quality or crispness of picture only an increase in frame size. But they are GREAT for use as a Master to encode to 60fps (down to 720p and below). JAV60 looks nice. Back to the point! A decent looking Mini-JAV encode would be around 1000-1200Kbps making most titles under 1GB in size. Not bad for a 2-hour title. And to be sure, decent is subjective. If I have bad eyes so be it. One man's know the rest. I have many Mini-JAV titles, and since I am not a fanatic about what I get, even though I'm a JAV fanatic, they suit me just fine. I guess I'm a little Stalinesque in that manner. Quantity has a quality all its own. Think about it. 5GB for one FHD title or five Min-JAV titles for roughly the same size.

Of course I do grab FHD and HQ titles if it is something I really want to see in that type of presentation. Especially things from my favorite performers. But for the most part Mini-JAV is what I'm getting accustomed to.

For discussion:

Have you acquired 640x360 titles?
If so, are you happy with them or were you disappointed?
Were they watermarked?

Fellow member iConsume was more than a bit irked about the watermarks. He believes it was an individual applying them. Or was that someone else? Perhaps the owner of the site? I wonder if the users he wanted banned were just victims of ripping/grabbing from a site that already had the watermarks. Not sure, don't care, just curious.
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Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012
Well! This was such an excellently written and informative analysis, at one point - around the seventh-paragraph mark, in fact - I came this close to being an admirer of Uncle Joe Stalin.

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New Member
Sep 10, 2008
Some of my collection do contain 640x360, I think most of those are watermarked. I don't really check resolutions, many are cropped with varying resolutions eg 720x406, 718x404 etc.

I can't say I'm too disappointed, however I'm neither happy with watermarked versions. The worst of the watermarking has been last year or so in terms of shared JAV available, there used to be some that had watermarks popup ocassionally, which was less of a bother.

I basically get the SD versions for my JAV downloads due to internet speed and for storage, I do ocassionally get the HD and FHD stuff. So I have to put up with it basically, I also delete some of the stuff just downloaded and watched, so the HD stuff isn't a great idea with my internet being crappy with gigs to download per video rather than a gig or so.

I read what iConsume had said, I tend to agree. I prefer not get these watermarked stuff, I look around and screenshots helps alot with which version I downloadand only lucky half the time.
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Senior Member...I think
Mar 22, 2008
I can't say I'm too disappointed, however I'm neither happy with watermarked versions. The worst of the watermarking has been last year or so in terms of shared JAV available

I also delete some of the stuff just downloaded and watched

Agreed! Smaller sized titles are a lot easier to let go of if you have the (hate to call it a) habit of watching and then deleting. Doing so with an HD title is a bit hard to swallow after then bandwidth investment. But I'm guilty of that as well.
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New Member
Sep 10, 2008
(hate to call it a) habit of watching and then deleting.

Yeah I try to avoid this, I rely on screenshots of the file now after a learning from a number of years; can't judge what to get using the covers. I generally keep the stuff I get, but some even with screenshots still get deleted and just not worth keeping.
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Akiba Citizen
Mar 5, 2007
ad watermarks - last few months at least half of the new releases I'm interested in had either that ridiculously large watermark in lower left corner or the one at the top scrolling from left to the right. I don't have problem with tiny ones or the ones who pop out for few seconds and disappear, but this is too much. I actually started to boycott those releases.
ad size vs. quality - in JAV it's not so much about resolution. Lot of vids around are still encoded by obsolete codecs, interlaced, letterboxed, etc. , so the bitrate can be easily triple than needed and quality very low. Few years ago I got pissed off and started to re-encode by myself. You're welcome to visit my site or thread here on Akiba. We're looking for posters/contributors now, so there's even chance to improve the situation. :)
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