Japanese creative way of hiding password


Feb 3, 2008
Hi all,
Good day!

Recently I came across this interesting matter,
Japanese netizens actually have a creative way to hide their password for the files that they compressed and publish/share.
Maybe this is due to the recent raid on 'illegal' sharing? :joker:

Well, I have to admit that, actually I'm not really "discover" it, but,
is because I have problem to decipher their sentence, and I'm stuck in nowhere to extract the downloaded compressed file... :scared: :sauna:

Anyone out there is kind enough to shine some light on this matter? :brucelee:

Info for all of you out there, who interested to read/investigate more...:


パスワードについて Last Stand

sentence i wish to decipher = 私は善良なるエロおやじである事を誓います。

erm... sad that what I understand from google translate is not sufficient to decipher that :puzzled:

Thanks all :)