Do Women Enjoy Lesbians more since they Last?


New Member
Nov 27, 2008
Many men can't last. We have Premature ejacultation.
Like i probably last less than 1 minute. it's true

Women on the other hand, can last for like forever

Even in JAVs, when it's straight lasts so little with guys.
When it's Lesbian JAV, the girls can keep going forever, the only reason they stop is because there's limited time in a DVD.

So, it makes me think women enjoy sex with women much more. The straight women, just haven't experienced it and say they don't like it.. but i'm pretty sure they would


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I think psychology matters more in sexual climax than people give it credit for. If a woman has convinced herself that she can tell the difference between a man's dick and a dildo -- and indeed most dildos feel NOTHING like a real penis -- and if for her part of the pleasure is the delivery of cum into the vagina and she can tell the difference between this (based on temperature, density, and texture) and other lubricants or chemicals which a dildo with a tube in it could theoretically pump out (like shampoo or jelly), then for such a woman the man, however incapable he is of "lasting," would prove to be superior to any woman.

To put it to you another way, compare the difference between masturbating yourself and having sex with a woman. Now consider that for a woman there are three different possibilities: masturbating, having sex with a woman, and having sex with a man. The sex with a woman is closer to what she can already achieve by herself via masturbation: fingering her clitoris vs. another woman licking it or rubbing against it. Driving a dildo up her own vagina vs. another woman doing it for her. It probably feels a lot better to have a stranger doing it because it's more surprising and out of your control (sort of like the difference between trying to tickle yourself and being tickled by others), but in the end the lesbian + dildo combo aren't going to be able to, necessarily, reproduce the same look and feel of a man's penis.

What if the woman loves blowjobs? What if the woman loves the specific taste of semen? The list goes on for things that generally a man can provide but a lesbian and her collection of sex toys cannot.

But you certainly do raise a valid point about women being able to achieve multiple orgasms, lasting longer, etc, and so I wouldn't be surprised to learn that many, or perhaps even most women, would prefer a partner who can last longer (i.e. a fellow woman) over a partner who can't last as long but who has some unique tricks up his sleeve (i.e. a man with his penis and his semen).