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  1. P

    [R]広○涼子激似!AVデビューさせちゃいます!(Rocket RCT-172)

    Hello I've been looking to complete my rocket collection and I'm missing rocket 172. I've looked everywhere to no avail. I think it came out last December. I think it is about a waitress at a ryoukan who gets convinced to participate in sex. I think it's fake but looks interesting, oh and...
  2. P

    Links killed Grrr

    send links please
  3. P

    [IDed]April Summers

    April Summers
  4. P

    Tracker with HD Anime movies?

    I'm pretty sure Thora has many hd movies... not alll but plenty... google it cant remember the website
  5. P

    seeking advise

    if you could eleborate on what you like... i might be able to help you... or t least in what you are looking for... anyways, some of my faves that I can remember now that might interest you are - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (action, mecha, but good story) - Rurouni Kenshin - Tsuiokuhen (wow...