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  1. J

    SHIB-679 VISUAL ART Mercury volume.29 斉藤明日香

    i had a hard time watching one of her videos as Kusano Mari: She shows all the dozens of scars on her right arm from cutting and then shows the interviewer the many medications she's on for all of her physical and mental illnesses. She must've had about 10 different sets of meds in her bag.
  2. J

    prettiest uncensored idol?

    Murakami Risa (Takeuchi Sarina)
  3. J

    XV-1089 New Comer 世界的美少女。 若槻シェルビ―

    duuuuuuude. i cannot believe how talented this girl is. lol
  4. J

    Fuji Army are going for full nude/AV action

    "15 year old" FUJIsaki Ran (藤咲らん) is actually... "18 year old" Nanase Fuko (七瀬風子) actually... she's a lot of different girls... 七咲楓花/七咲風花/七咲楓香/星野美代/青山ゆかり/浅野りか/京野美登里/藤咲らん...