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  1. S

    Inquiries about penis

    Hello, I am actually having a condition where my penis gland is very sensitive, as in, extremely. This is the lowdown, either I have a short penis or a very long foreskin or I have too much fats at my pelvis area that `submerge` my penis. When I am erected my gland is still covered under my...
  2. S

    Problem with Penis...

    at the moment im 19, end of 2009 im 20. im not particularly worry about size, more like the pain ...when i peel it off i dont feel anything, just really painful when touch it, and i never used conditioner in my life before lol
  3. S


    I left this thread a while and its busting with different opinions... To those who give me recommendation... thank you very much really, but sad to say i still have to say those method might not work on my penis is short, just the length of my fist from the thumb to the pinky...
  4. S

    Problem with Penis...

    1) its rather dull, somewhat like you rub on your arm REAL when you press down on your arm, and drag along it.... 2)the moment i touch it, and it last several seconds...depending on how hard i touch... 3) dad doesnt seem to have the problem. he is damn active in sexual...
  5. S

    Problem with Penis...

    Hey... this is kind of embarrassing but I guess it's best to voice out... Im an penis is smaller then average... and I seem to have one problem. My gland, or the head of the penis, is extremely sensitive... as it is short, my entire penis is covered by the foreskin...even when...
  6. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    well, i live in malaysia. how can i put in lost of words...just compare rx8 and 7, and u will see the difference. thats my point i do not own, doesn't mean i haven't drove one. before anymore flaming or whatever comes up...i better withdraw myself..i hate conflicts with...
  7. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    it did sacrifice power, like you said, weak in the lower RPM. im guessing the reason i said its weak coz here in malaysia, you cant go over 110 kmph, so i cant achieve the higher revs (unless on gear 1,2) to tell you first...i don't play any racing games, except nfs years ago. and i do not...
  8. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    lol i never drove a truck before...i did sat at the passenger seat before tho
  9. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    i guess it's because of geographical problem. the roads here in malaysia, SUCKS! the government won't repair it, so we race at places where heavy lorries don't travel, but the road is still in poor condition, and i guess because of that it's super hard to shift gears without clutching.
  10. S

    Most intense/hardcore/disgusting JAV ever

    personally i don't even understand the reason behind all this =.=" i'm aroused when i see porn, but animals, or insects or whatever crap, is some what 'against nature' in my opinion...
  11. S

    Sex jokes

    owh...i get the joke now...the reason i do not understand earlier is because when i eat a bowl of baked beans, nothing happened to me lol
  12. S

    Sex jokes

    im sorry but...i do not really get your joke FlashSwordIrene =.=" is it because im too inexperienced to comprehend it ?
  13. S

    Hentai or live porn ?

    i won't vote as i'm 50-50...i will go for hentai till im bored, then ima switch to live porn and vice versa
  14. S

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    no problem, i guess its just me... :silence: but hey, i like your idea of finding porn here to spice things up between you two. i wish my future deary (hopefully i WILL have one T.T) will be kind enough to do such a thing for me lol
  15. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    but shifting gear without using clutch is damaging towards the car, but its damn common among racers (especially doing some sharp 180" cornering) you have no time to hit the clutch then hit the brake and accelerator to save speed and not to understeer (heel and toe technique) i'm a fat guy...
  16. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    its hard to steer those big rigs... @flash about your's the handling? is it smooth or you need to hit the brake every time going for a power slide ? i know my car do not need to hit the brake, just oversteer it xD btw, my car's worth now (i'm the 5th owner) is...
  17. S

    what do girls think of hairy legs could be that because i'm young, but i'm hairless...except my pubic and my head lol
  18. S

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    what does `dh` means ? sorry for my stupidity :silence:
  19. S

    what do girls think of hairy legs

    Well, the topic ISN'T on general hair, but only hairy legs
  20. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    mazda rx8 is not a waste of money, but its, in a sense, not worth its price. its because for handling, it sacrifices power, which in overall, rx7 is better, its like rx7 has 5 points , 2handling and 3 power, while rx8 has 2.5handling, 1.5 power. still, it depends on the driver... and rx8...
  21. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    DAMN IT!! why am i the only one driving that old piece ? :notagain:
  22. S

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    so far 4 already voiced out..any more?
  23. S

    Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro

    is there anyone here have the game and mind sharing ? preferable english version as my jap is ......:silence: torrent if possible :D
  24. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    god're owning two of my dream so jealous T.T which GT-R 34 are you using? Skyline GT-R V-Spec II (BNR34) or Skyline GT-R V-Spec Nur (BNR34)?
  25. S

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    from `how many girls`, the topic changed to `why you liked here`? lol if there's any more girls please voice out ~ to tag along, the reason im here, is because it's an adult community, no kiddish fights and all
  26. S

    Just though I'd share this about cars

    i wonder 35k NY is how much in malaysian ringgit
  27. S

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    well, i guess you're some kind of introvert, not willing to share your interest in real life...i guess we're both the same then. if u dont mind, u can add me at msn and we could be friends? :puzzled:
  28. S

    Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro

    owh, my bad. coz i didn't play the game and i do not know =X is there any place to download the game ?
  29. S

    A lil' research

    mind being more specific? like, "i was depressed, then i get myself drunk and the next thing i know i woke up beside a naked man/women beside me in a hotel room" something like that, and just re-edit ur previous post, tq
  30. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    never heard of it, lol.
  31. S

    A lil' research

    Hi, I'm doing a little research (for many purposes) on people's virginity. it's only several questions for now. I will add more questions soon. 1) When is your first time to feel horny? (age) 2) When did you lose your virginity? (age) 3) Why did you lose your virginity? (reason)...
  32. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    this isn't my LE, but its the same model. my camera's gone...i think my dad took it with him >_>
  33. S

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    @safwhite hard to find girls that watch, and liked hentai and porn...and saft, i don't think its bad or what, instead i liked the ain't fair if guys get all the enjoyment right ? i hope you enjoy it here, and i know the guys would lol @volcan yeah i'd like it too. it's better if...
  34. S

    Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro

    i wonder is this a fan made, or a scene from the next episode ?
  35. S

    Just though I'd share this about cars

    damn...wher u from and how much u payed for that subaru ?
  36. S

    What Car Do You Drive?

    i drive a Toyota LE, a 22 years old car...pic will post later when im in college =.=" its specs? its very,very old and unheard it doesn't matter if i tell or not coz its totally useless...but basically it has no power steering, and the engine is a 1.3 only my dream...
  37. S

    Just though I'd share this about cars

    yes still that toyota LE...coz dats my only car...i tried drifting with it again yesterday, on a public road during the rain, and it spun out coz i oversteered =.=" i do take my dad's honda accord 2.0 for a spin once a while tho...but he hates it and sometimes...when i visit my cousin, i...
  38. S


    mine is either i have a big/long foreskin, or my dick is too short... when im erected, the foreskin still fully covers the gland
  39. S

    true or false? WHY?

    Still, there's no question entering the thread, so I will start off something to get the ball rolling. Can guys come a lot in a day? I know that if you shoot twice in a row, the second one will be little to none, but how about in a day at your own pace?
  40. S

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    quori. ur not twisted don't worry...hentai is like animated porn movie, and porn are meant to satisfy your sexual drive without you actually doing it. think if it this way -> your sex drive is high, and you want to avoid doing nonsense, therefore you watch porn to satisfy yourself without...
  41. S

    true or false? WHY?

    yeah i know it suck, i lived it and i doubt we are being off topic, because no one is asking questions so we can't say its true or false :p
  42. S

    true or false? WHY? terms of sports, im taekwondo black dan2, and the president of the club during my school years (in college now) was also representative in bowling fats are here..the worse part is, it isnt saturated...but focuses on my stomach, and my chest/breast -_-"
  43. S

    true or false? WHY?

    due to my studies i dont even have time for sports lol and when im free, most of my time goes into gaming haha
  44. S

    true or false? WHY?

    shoot big load never crossed my definition is that i could fill her being ugly , fat, is a different thing being ugly AND fat is another... men who are ugly are acceptable by girls, but men that are fat are less accepted...and the reason I'm not confident, is because whenever...
  45. S

    true or false? WHY?

    1)well, abt the first part, all my fats are carried from my 100kg since age 12 until now...still 100kg and the fats are `permanent` according to doctors...and exercising has no effect on me...i tried doing it for 3-4 months last year, and not any reduction on my...
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    of course it depends on position as well, and personal choice,and the person himself....but on general, lets say both cut and uncut are on the same position, the uncut one will last longer because his penis tends to be numb
  47. S

    Sosi's Hentai Anime List

    marine a-go-go is available in or which anyways, can anyone recommend me some hentai, where it focus on high school romance, somesort like sora no iro, mizu no iro? something like akiba girls, or Its A Family Affair, but a slightly smaller...
  48. S

    Anime/Songs List

    mind sharing a torrent for akagi pls? thanks
  49. S


    from what i know (through research) cut men are less sensitive, so they can `last longer` and i heard rumors that uncut men will feel pain upon intercourse as the tip feels pain when they insert it or when the women's teeth touched it when giving them a blowjob
  50. S

    true or false? WHY?

    unless his penis is so freaking large, its abnormal lol but abt the masturbate part, the reason you shoot less compare to actual intercourse is because masturbating gives you less pleasure compare to actually doing it, thus you shoot less. @neonworks atleast you get to enjoy... i never...