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    [DVDISO]Young Champion Retsu DVD 2013 5号 中村静香 杉原杏璃 篠崎愛 古川いおり 吉沢明歩

    All require premium. :guaah: I have ryushare, but kind of disappointing to take this road.
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    PID-013 限界全裸 矢野未夏

    awww ya. Just the release I've been waiting for. Mika Yano.
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    [2013-1-30] 相本あきこ(尾崎○ナ) タイムスリップ [IMP-001]

    I always wondered how she went from all this nude modeling, back to regular old IV's. I think being hotter after some cosmetic touch ups helps, but maybe she has a really good friend very high up.
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    [GSHRB-007] 初裸 virgin nude 矢野未夏 (ブルーレイディスク)

    I've been waiting for this for awhile. She looks so much better with long hair.
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    [REBDB-015] Tsubomi 永遠の癒し系天使・つぼみ (ブルーレイディスク)

    Thanks for sharing this. I saw this awhile ago on a extabit premium only site and I wanted to dll it but I didn't really have a reason to get premium other than this video. Thanks a bunch.
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    [BLK-086] kira☆kira BLACK GAL CHARISMA黒ギャル☆引退SPECIAL4時間-FINAL FUCK- 泉麻那

    So this is her last video? Is it because of that makeupless video she posted?
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    [GSHR-029]初裸 virgin nude/カレン

    Thanks! I almost dlled this to check. Is this really her only video that made it to the forums and only 94% complete.
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    [DMC-25] The 1 Pinter Special

    There is no way I can believe that pint is full of real semen :pandalaugh:
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    EPBE-5306 田中れいな REAL CHALLENGE!!

    I've disliked her ever since the Kpop racism incident. Not because she's racist, but that she had the audacity to make fun of other people's eyes full well knowing that she has had plastic surgery, including her eyelids. Idols should be humble and kind. We pay them for their personality, we...
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    Korean prostitutes caught on tape in Tokyo

    Nah, the guy was definitely doing things that are frowned upon. She was telling him no for a lot of things and he was doing them anyway.
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    [STAR-380] 古川いおり AV Debut

    she seems too cute to do porn. did she start out gravure?
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    [VTVT-002] Hikari Azuma(あずまひかり) - あずまひかりのいじわる大挑戦!![AVI][.97GB]

    It's not AV. In fact it's less skin than her previous videos or maybe the same amount I guess. It's just made to look like an AV. I wouldn't say it's moving up but rather to the side. I'm glad to see she's making more videos, but there's still a bunch of old ones that have yet to reach the...
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    篠崎愛 - VS shinozaki ai 07[HD720p]

    thanks. i love these. it's a shame ai doesn't get more comedic roles, she's so funny.
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    Miu Nakamura (仲村みう)

    looks like her twitter is gone for good too? deleted. or is it just me. :study:
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    [LCDV-40499] Yuri Murakami 村上友梨 - Love Fruit 恋果実

    any chance for a repost of the ISO?
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    [Letitbit]JUN-011 Saori Kurahashi 倉橋沙織 - 沙織のあそこ

    oof. already offline. too fast. how did that happen.
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    [RG][AVI][PSL-1001] Nathumi Asano 浅野なつみ 迷宮旅行 LD

    :( right when filesonic went down. can this be reupped to another host?
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    not sure what i'm looking at.
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    篠崎愛 - VS shinozaki ai 03[HD720p]

    awesome and so fast! thank you. 1 & 2? :please:
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    篠崎愛 - VS shinozaki ai 03[HD720p]

    could we get alternative links for this, i know it's asking for a lot, but i haven't seen this anywhere else and i think most people can't download this easily from uploaded.
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    [FP]Young ANIMAL 2012 Vol.01 ORIGINAL DVD.iso

    HOHOHO! most scammerish title scene ever. shinozaki looks nude, but it's all angles! Thanks a bunch
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    Miu Nakamura (仲村みう)

    starting at 18:07 you can see the ridiculous amount of makeup on her upper left arm. at 18:30 you can see the tattoo also at 36:00 and on you can see how much makeup is on her arm much better. "wonder how this is meant? that her body is not "good enough" for being an idol?" pretty much. a...
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    Miu Nakamura (仲村みう)

    I'm just guessing, but i think she wanted out for a long time. she has issues and you can see the cutting, tattoo, and nude shoot were the end result. obviously she couldn't continue a career as an idol with a body like that, but i think she wanted a lump sum of money to get her life in order...
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    Miu Nakamura (仲村みう)

    i'm pretty sure that in Japan you can't be an idol with any success if you have a huge tattoo on your upper left arm.
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    How do you organize your JAV collection

    same as techie except i don't burn mine and i put them in folders sorted by actress. 5tb of data is enough for temporary storage, delete the stuff that's old, buy dvds of the stuff i really like.
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    Lesbian Movies

    marin izumi, along with chihiro hasegawa. what a shame, i would have bought their dvds even if they were 80 years old.
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    Tsubomi & Reika - Double Loli - MDS-498

    >__< deleted so fast. hotfile looks for file sizes/names and crcs, i think so if you upload the same file and they're searching for it. prob deleted instantly.
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    Tsubomi/other AV actresses...moms???

    that's a pretty common skin discoloration. for linea negra, women typically get it during pregnancy and for a short time after during breastfeeding. It's because the muscles come together at that point and the increasing strain on them does this. it's very uncommon to retain the line after...
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    Links killed Grrr

    could i have links please
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    Links Killed GRRR

    could i have links please
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    Links killed GRRR

    could i have links please. thank you
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    Links killed Grrr

    Could I have the links please. thank you.