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  1. Q

    I hate Otaku

    Door knob humping isn't nearly as enjoyable as door knob anal.
  2. Q

    tokyo hot never use condomn

    Anal was huge in Arab countries. You know, to keep the hymen intact.
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    Congrats josolop: I found a Japan GF but..

    After reading some of his posts, I can sincerely say that I hope josolopSon3 never stops posting.
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    I hate Otaku

    I'm guessing these are baseball terms, I know nothing of baseball. I can also serve, of course, but not as hard as someone with experience.
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    Texhnolyze is great, but you should be prepared to be depressed for a while after you watched it. When I first tried Lain, I watched the first three episodes and didn't like the series and gave up on it. Later, I watched it again, only this time I fell in love with the series. Seems like...
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    I hate Otaku

    Aw, thanks. Actually, I don't mind taking it, but I'm not very skilled at serving.
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    Likes or Dislikes regarding Japanese Music

    My favourite band since about a year happens to be Japanese: Soil & Pimp Sessions. I saw them live at a festival and in my opinion, they're really awesome. I've shared the albums with a few people, but they usually think that while the music is somewhat cool, it's mostly boring. Their newest...
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    One of the best. He's doing the character designs for Despera, an upcoming series. I can't wait to see it.
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    I hate Otaku

    Just in his mouth? He clearly hasn't been looking very well.
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    I hate Otaku

    I was joking, of course. I live next door. I enter your room on the rare occasions that you're outside or if you're asleep >:3
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    I hate Otaku

    Nothing new here. I think you're just jealous, really. I mean, look at their mad cribs, yo: