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  1. frogleg

    Samsung's Chinese manufacturing plant employs children in injury-prone environment

    Report paints dire picture of Samsung factory’s working conditions Earlier this year, allegations that workers at Apple's manufacturing partner in China, Foxconn, were being subjected to deplorable working conditions came to light and soon exploded into a major international investigation...
  2. frogleg

    Appeals court overturns ban on video-sharing site Reuters - Thu, Aug 2, 2012

    (Reuters) - A video-sharing website that allows users to post links to copyrighted videos hosted on third-party sites is not infringing copyright laws, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday. The ruling reversed a lower court decision that had temporarily blocked the video bookmarking site...
  3. frogleg

    Steve Wozniak: The case against Megaupload is a threat to Internet innovation

    Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak slams the U.S. piracy case against Kim Dotcom and Megaupload saying that it threatens internet innovation as a whole. Link: Another...