Search results

  1. 5 Rangers 1-13 (subbed)

    5 Rangers Skits from Gaki no Tsukai Downtown yo Arrahende All 13 Episodes, the skits are short (max. 8 mins) and subbed in English password:
  2. A

    Audio translation?

    I was just wondering if there is something like an audio translator for Japanese? I think I once saw something like that in Germany for deaf persons, when subtitles or anything written just isnt available. It records and writes the audio especially the spoken language and writes it down so the...
  3. Gaki no Tsukai

    Uploaded all Batsu Games (except Airport because sub isnt out yet) FYI: same parts like in Jokers thread, so you can mix the downloads to get it faster Spy batsu HD - will add it later DLC: Download shareonline All Subs in one File History OF BATSU GAMES [DTFS] Gaki no Tsukai - ...the Batsu...