Search results

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    Afro Samurai

    amazing show. cried cuz it was only 5 episodes. And btw, the guy who created Afro Samurai was japanese...not american O_o
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    ideal Person

    I'll take anything i can get. =( well, i can't really put limitations on my ideal person..becauzzz i love all types of women. Actually, i'll take anyone who WONT LIE.
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    thank you =D
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    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

    I remember seeing a video of crazy combo attacks...and i also remember a 3D version was coming out for the Dreamcast, but i guess got terminated?
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    Silent Library! I love this little cousins thought i was their hero for showing them this.
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    :donotwant: lol, thanks for the...warm...welcome =D
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    hey =] uhmm..i know you guys have more important things to do than to read about my boring ass, so i'll make it short...jusst wanted to say that i've been lurking for a (very)lil bit now and i finally decided to join. the website is very pleasing to the eye, and you people seem cool. =3...