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  1. B

    English teaching in Japan. Great time or Complete Nightmare???

    Interesting. Well, you let the cat out of the bag. I don't do eikaiwa or ALT either, not that there's anything wrong with that.
  2. B

    English teaching in Japan. Great time or Complete Nightmare???

    Got it. I've never bothered to venture into private teaching, aside from a few quick cafe-type meetings. What you say is common sense of course. Anyway, another issue with only doing private lessons is the visa. I don't think you can do this unless you're lucky enough to have a working holiday...
  3. B

    English teaching in Japan. Great time or Complete Nightmare???

    Given the nature of this site, I want to dispel one ridiculous myth that can save many a lot of money and trouble if it is their primary motivation for coming here. Women do not flock to foreigners like magnets in Tokyo (excluding 30+ year old less attractive women in Roppongi bars), and this...
  4. B

    English teaching in Japan. Great time or Complete Nightmare???

    Right, most people who do private lessons don't know what they're doing, hence the average starting rate being lower than what you charge. I imagine your friends in this field are experienced like you are as well. But look at the rates on I admit I am not trained/experienced in...
  5. B

    English teaching in Japan. Great time or Complete Nightmare???

    I think this is quite risky to try to pull off when you first come here. The standard starting fee for private teaching, at least in Tokyo, is 3000-4000 yen unless you have a lot of experience already and start getting higher paying customers. Also, competition is much higher in Tokyo. Most...
  6. B

    English teaching in Japan. Great time or Complete Nightmare???

    Now is a bad time honestly. You'll barely be able to save and the market is flooded with desperate teachers for 2 reasons. 1, the eikaiwa jobs are dwindling and the starting ALT jobs keep paying lower and lower so people look to escape as soon as they get here, and 2, the economies are bad in...