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  1. G

    Biohazard14's Amateur Asian Megathread & More

    2 perfect posts on this page even if one is a repost with a new mirror
  2. G

    What games are you playing?

    Im playing Heavy Rain its such a work of art!
  3. G

    AKB48 中西里菜 Rina Nakanishi (やまぐちりこ Riko Yamaguchi) does goes XXX!

    Same with me but as the days near I'll be more easy to set off then someone who is quitting smoking. If it gets released on a day I work, I WILL be calling out that day :cool:
  4. G

    What games are you playing?

    Persona on PSP Demon's Soul and Yakuza 3 on PS3
  5. G

    PlayStation 3 Thread

    I have both a fat and slim PS3, the fat I paid $670 with taxes but to play all my favorite games from PS1 and PS2 it was worth it. I love the fact its region free and everything you need is built in.