Recent content by swoon

  1. S

    the hentai-anime cover request thread

    here again:tea: request for 15美少女漂流記/15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki ( It was really hard to find a full version...:notagain:
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    the hentai-anime cover request thread

    glad to see all of you again:grassdance: plz post 同窓会 Yesterday Once More( covers~~
  3. S

    the hentai-anime cover request thread

    thanks a lot and if u got the jp version, plz also post it:grassdance:
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    the hentai-anime cover request thread

    学園ソドム/ Professor Pain I can only find one with watermarks, someone got a better?
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    the hentai-anime cover request thread

    Thanks a lot. But only LD covers u post, any clues about DVD's:notagain:?
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    the hentai-anime cover request thread

    同級生 夏の終わりに/End of Summer D-1&D-2 covers,please...:please: Here( goes wrong with 3eps? Every Disc got 2 eps... And I wonder if the 同級生 クライマックス/Doukyuusei Climax 2eps are the D3,right?
  7. S

    the hentai-anime cover request thread

    :please:Anyone has the cover of けらくの王 ~快楽の王~?