Recent content by sohorny_ithurts

  1. S

    Need help ID this movie

    Please help id this movie for me Male actor is 田淵正浩 Thanks!
  2. S

    Need help ID this AV

    Thanks in advance!
  3. S

    JAV actor from HTMS-081

    You're amazing. Thank you @Jackdee
  4. S

    JAV actor from HTMS-081

    Hi, if you have any idea who is the actor (on the right, second row), he has one scene in this movie, HTMS-081. Or if he is in any other movies, let me know. Thank you.
  5. S

    The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Tubby! (And: Film ID)

    Not always but I remember 小沢とおる sometimes licks the actress's armpit in his scenes