Recent content by rush808

  1. R

    anything NEW?

    yea, dont do much searching for anime. jus go off of reccomendations of friends. plus i need subbed or dubbed. i see alot of selections on crunchy roll, but none really spikes my intrest. like seinen so any suggestions? kenichi was awesome. beserk was the shizzznit, but art quality...
  2. R

    anything NEW?

    So I pretty much stopped looking for anime since i was reading manga. Is there anything new upcoming anime lately? :puzzled: the last "new" anime i saw was Air Gear. Is it me or there hasn't been any new stuff as of late... Oh, i likey shonen and senien. not really watching bleach...
  3. R

    Which are worse fillers or recaps?

    Rush concurs..
  4. R

    Adult Swim

    the Rush HATEs the live shows!! does anybody watches that Cr@p? Its the show's true down fall ATHF is pretty funny. You sir are spot on... +01 HilaRious.
  5. R

    I'm trying to get into anime. Recommendations?

    these are nothing like FLCL, but I like them. and there nothing like DBZ. Beserk...If you like violence. Deathnote first season, Not the Dubbed version... not sure i jus liked it. Advice: READ manga; like comic book movies (spiderman, spawn) the video version is just the tip of the story...
  6. R

    horror/survival anime

    After chp 11 it gets crazy, Tons zombies/monsters. One of the best mangas... but you won't get much "Apostles" in the anime it cuts off wayy too early. Don't get me wrong its still a great anime series.
  7. R

    horror/survival anime

    I second Gantz.... after the anime you gotta read the manga to really appreciate..... If you need a site LMK. I'm surprise no one mention GUNGRAVE, its be out for a while... It has an almost zombie type feel.. but you gotta get past the funny Cowboy costume he first steps out with (which get...
  8. R

    Best bankai?

    ^ well the bount arc was a tad boring, you should check out what happens after its done. Vizard.. Itsygo.. Urahara.. Even otosama appearance short but intresting. although theres a few boring fights in Hueco Mundo.. I believe its very intresting.
  9. R

    Best bankai?

    I concur, its best so far. He is like a mini kenpachi, since kenny does have a bankai...
  10. R

    I need something to watch untill bleach filler arc is over

    Berserk? It has alot of blood and swords. Gantz. alot of blood, but katanas only show up in the manga. Kenichi - very entertaining, just not much blood though.
  11. R

    favorite anime

    BESERK & Gantz :hero: Deathnote (1st season) edit*Bleach & Naruto (MINUS fillers)