Recent content by rjdizzle

  1. R

    ID this... underwear?

    @desioner, Thanks for the info, I remember seeing a Don Quixote near a friend's apartment when I go and visit, I'll try my luck there. @aquamarine, Yeah I probably should have just asked handyman but his last post was over 2 months ago, figured hes got better things to do than to answer a...
  2. R

    ID this... underwear?

    Hey guys, newbie poster but long time forum fan/lurker. I was browsing through handyman's stickied post of pictures from Japan and ran across this post: Particularly the bottom pic of the green underwear dubbed the...
  3. R

    [DJNA-17] Ass Fetish Dance Vol-3

    uh dood, there are 2 part 8's and i'm assuming the second one is actually part 9 right? just giving you the heads up. i greatly thank you for this thread :grassdance:
  4. R

    [HF] The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (時をかける少女) [BluRay]

    part3 keeps getting a crc check failed when extracting. redownloaded it 3 times now and still failing to extract