Recent content by orewasukebei

  1. O

    Can someone name the TITLE and actress on this GIF

    I found this on a certain forum but the one with the signature also don't know it, so I really hope someone here knows this... The girl seems to be going out then she gets f***ed.. Can someone name her and this movie? please
  2. O

    help identify this JAV actress

    thank you very much.. i don't know how to close this thread but anyways THREAD SOLVED!!!! thanks again!!!
  3. O

    which av video is this?

    i don't know if my advice can help you but hope this helps... 藤崎クロエ can be read in two ways - fujisaki kuroe - tousaki kuroe try searching those names here or on google.... its almost 2 months and nobody tried to answer anyways....
  4. O

    help identify this JAV actress

    attached are the pics... please help me find the name... thank you in advance by the way... though she might look different on some angles, all these pics were from just 1 girl...
  5. O

    The Sweet Looking Nurse

    i think i really got it.. its kimura kaori.. try to look at this link i found on google... one of the actress is kimura kaori but i cannot actually say it really is her.. cause i'm not familiar of her face...
  6. O

    The Sweet Looking Nurse

    木村香織さん 木村-kimura 香織-can be read as kaori/kaoru/kawori さん-san(just a suffix added to names to denote respect like Mr. or Ms. in english) ps I'm not sure about the last kanji of the kaori(香織) because I cant read it much... the kanji is not that easy to distinguish because of the font type...