Recent content by monkey306

  1. M

    The Dumbest Questions ever

    i was once asked if the butter doesnt melt do i put it in the pie? to this day my friend will randomly say that, but ive got no clue what it means
  2. M

    US blocking freedom of speech? Have you seen this yet?

    I think that would be rather insane. It would just be choice censorship. It angers me that people who do things like this are simply control freaks. Things dont always have to be one way where one person has all the control
  3. M

    Your most memorable movie.

    I agree with Rush Hour I loved seeing the bloopers in two after the guy jumps out the window and Chris Tucker goes damn he aint gonna be in rush hour 3 lol Most memorable had to be Underworld when Selene cuts through the head vampires head and it slides off