Recent content by Leenx31

  1. L

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    any way to add actresses manually? I have a bunch of Hana Shirato movies that get added to the movies page, but she doesn't appear in actresses
  2. L

    akiba resident JAV subtitlers & subtitle talk★NOT A SUB REQUEST THREAD★

    I googled it, but i don't think videosubfinder is too popular... there's a setting that lets it detect subs of single colors, but the porblem is every line has a different color and they aren't all the same
  3. L

    Post your JAV subtitle files here - JAV Subtitle Repository (JSP)★NOT A SUB REQUEST THREAD★

    the thing is usually subs uploaded to subtitlecat were already the ocr'd ones. Either that or korean subs from avjamak
  4. L

    akiba resident JAV subtitlers & subtitle talk★NOT A SUB REQUEST THREAD★

    it changes every line. sometimes the subs move from left to right and they also fade in so not all the words are visible at first. The colors themselves remain the same throughout each line. The only problem i've found with detection on VSF is the colors themselves. haven't tried ocring them yet...
  5. L

    akiba resident JAV subtitlers & subtitle talk★NOT A SUB REQUEST THREAD★

    How do i make VSF detect subs of random colors? Last few x18r batches made ocr hard... I'm trying to find a way, but i can't quite get it to detect green and blue subs.
  6. L

    Post your JAV subtitle files here - JAV Subtitle Repository (JSP)★NOT A SUB REQUEST THREAD★

    New x18r batch has moving subs in random colors. Goodbye ocr I guess