Recent content by jisatsu

  1. J

    Akira Hollywood r***: “Zac Efron Cast as Kaneda”;Morgan Freeman Circling Colonel Role

    I'm sure nerds will watch this. I don't care if hollywood makes a movie base on manga or anime... remember the movie blood? No one cares about that movie and easily forgotten. JUST DON'T MAKE A REMAKE OF BATTLE ROYALE!!!!!!!
  2. J

    California Police Issue Real Warning About Satirical Internet Creation Pedobear

    Pedobear is everywhere. I usually see it in online games next to molested panda names.:XD:
  3. J

    Kayo Satoh "Police": "I`m A Man."

    Anyone who fantasize him/her will be brokeback "Your Name" . :pandalaugh:
  4. J

    Japanese man accused of illegal bear hunting

    Sadly... I'm from King County.
  5. J

    who's the girl on top?

    yui matsuno.......... i guess.