Recent content by EroBouzu

  1. E

    Things that piss you off.

    I get pissed of by teens. More specifically; those sons-of-bitches who think they own the world and walk around as if they had banana bunches stuffed under their armpits, when in reality their complexion is that of mannequin made of rakes. Oh, every time I see that scum I feel like going berserk...
  2. E

    'Living doll' phenomenon

    From a psychological standpoint, there are truly great many fetishes in the world, just like Gengar mentioned. And as far as I remember from my psychology classes, there's even an established fetish for dolls. I also remember some crazy talk about fetish that involves frying one's genitals with...
  3. E

    Japanese with bad Teeth?

    Stupid evolution. Although it does make sense; Being an isolated country that mostly depended on fish and vegetables for diet for hundreds of years, not to mention the use of chopsticks, which requires you to eat only small pieces at a time, it's no bloody wonder that they have weird teeth...
  4. E

    Kayo Satoh "Police": "I`m A Man."

    No matter how much I know about Japanese culture or see the weird things in their country, it sure as hell gives me shivers every time something like this comes up :scared: