Recent content by diamdiam

  1. D

    Can anyone ID these 2 young actresses?

    I would also like to know! Kind Senior please help :)
  2. D

    Commonly Asked Girls

    Hello thanks for the help of identifying all of them. But as I am not a japanese it's really hard for me to read japanese characthers. So if anyone would be so kind to translate them into alphabetical I would really be thankfull. Please help us, senior!!:hi:
  3. D

    Help, senior! Help!

    Oh,why are they not showing? I can see the pictures....
  4. D

    Help, senior! Help!

    Hello! I am a newbie T_T Can someone give the name of the titles/ cast on these covers I found please! Thank you senior!! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14...