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  1. C

    Type of Massage JAV the ones I like are CLUB, PTS, WS, YLW, EQ, YLW, UMD
  2. C

    Need help with the name of JAV actress, Plz.

    She is Mao Hamasaki, if you a fan you might like JUX-228
  3. C

    JAV database

    I've implemented a separate Java App that does the renaming of files automatically, currently it's more geared towards organizing porn, but you can easily replace the porn actress names with JAV Actress, and the porn studios with JAV DVD Codes like NHDTA, FSET, can find more info...
  4. C

    Free App to Organize your Porn / JAV download Folder!

    Ever got too lazy to organize your download folder? I made a small utility to help organize / move your files to sub folder. Sometimes it takes me a few hours to properly organize my download folder. Hopefully my tool can save you guys a bit of time and effort :) Take note of the source...
  5. C

    JAV database

    I got a database of DVD codes, description (google translated i think), release date, studio, tags, acts in an sqlite database 22 MB in size. Also got the cover images from those DVD codes correctly named, SDMT-819 > SDMT-819.jpg. There are a 42998 video titles in the database and currently...
  6. C

    JAV database

    Haha :) the crash could be due to japanese characters, maybe try without any japanese in filename first. I have no problems importing 1000s of my videos on linux, but I have not tested with much videos on the windows side due to running in a virtual machine.
  7. C

    JAV database

    Here's a 32 bit version
  8. C

    JAV database

    Eventually I will support all OS with 64 bit and 32 bit, but right now I can't even guarantee that this will be the final design. It took me about 3 days to figure out how to properly cross compile from linux to windows, which could have been spent working on features. Once I am happy with the...
  9. C

    JAV database

    I should also probably mention, the way the image directory is used in the options dialog. There should be 5 sub directories in that folder, the app will create them automatically. Do NOT rename them or images will not show properly 1) actress 2) actress/small 3) covers 4) screens 5) thumbs...
  10. C

    JAV database

    I've updated the database with some JAV titles, your JAV videos need to be named exactly like the DVD code. For example: 1) NHDTA-343.avi 2) SDMT-819.mp4 3) RBD-555.mkv the extension does not matter, but the filename MUST match the DVD code, and yes you need the dash in the middle. I...
  11. C

    JAV database

    Are you really using a 32 bit cpu? or is it a virtual machine?
  12. C

    JAV database

    Yea, I rarely browse DMM
  13. C

    Are Uncensored vids getting better? (or Uncensored omnibus thread?)

    There are some uncensored with story line, some of my favs Mikuni Maisaki - Carib-122013-504 ( from what I can tell her boyfriend sells her to some gangsters to have sex, or maybe it's just my imagination haha ) Mikuni Maisaki - Carib-120113-491 ( she's being coy and reluctantly sucks cock in...
  14. C

    JAV database

    Just realized there are DVD code with 4 digits, DV-**** series and XV-**** series
  15. C

    JAV database

    Ya I know, if you look at the cover image it will state the DVD code is JUFD-329, which follows the same format as torrent sites listing. I'm not too familiar with DMM or other japanese based DVD stores as I can't read japanese, but it's probably their own ID format.