Recent content by buttcheeks

  1. B

    who is the skinniest of them all

    Hate to tell you, but she is sick. Anorexia, y'all. That is not a natural "skinny". She is in need of some real therapy and help. Doing more porn if she becomes "popular" is not going to help her.
  2. B

    Becoming A Japanese Citizen

    "A mate of mine I went to high school with (western country) ended up doing a PhD at a university in Tokyo. He's lived there for 15 or more years now, is a citizen and even has a Japanese family name!" Yeah, they take away your name! Take it away and make you make one up with kanji. GIve ;up...
  3. B

    hypnosis porn...

    There used to be some awesome hypno vids on empornium. As the women hypnotized were all porn stars, they were certainly pre-disposed to the suggestions. Definitely not acting! Orgasms were convulsive which can't be faked. cheeks
  4. B

    Newbie to japan

    hate to say it, but if you spent a little time doing some searching on google etc, you'd fond more information than you'll get here and you won't get yur pud pulled by aquamarine either! ha ha. `cheeks
  5. B

    Becoming A Japanese Citizen

    It's not impossible. You have to give up your US citizenship, though. Do you really want to do that? Best story about becoming a J citizen is David's. Worth reading it all to get the full dose of Japan's lack of "enthuasism"...
  6. B

    learning Japanese?

    One simple thing which hasn't been mentioned in this thread is that if you are going to study Japanese, from day one, start with the kana and do not, repeat, do not use romanized letters. The best way to get a good feel of the rhythm of Japanese (the sounds are syllabic) is through the native...
  7. B

    Studio/Music/Designer... nani kore...

    wow. what an odd page. They started out with web stuff. Limited liability co. (yu gen gaisha) and then changed name to samurai. then became a stock company. then somehow got some famous guy (I never heard of him) signed on a recording deal and thus began samurai records! This web page is too...
  8. B

    70% of Japanese inns without foreign guests wish to keep it that way

    More foreign guests = fewer Japanese guests foreign guests are 'mendokusai' they don't know the 'rules' and customs, and thus will bother the other guests, and bring down the reputation of the inn. Less money and less hassle is better, I guess.
  9. B

    Worst Japanese Experiences

    Worst? too many to mention! Years ago took a gf for a drink in Osaka. Due to various seat/music/snack charges, two drinks cost us (me) over a hundred bucks. The snacks arrived on the table un-ordered, the musician only played for three minutes before taking a break. What a rip.
  10. B

    DAIWA HOUSE - (EDDI's House - Edward Suzuki)

    Aquamarine, That actually looks better than the Eddy house! Typical J web page. Annoying as hell to navigate and woefully short on real information. Price? Probably 50 man a tsubo. Average price for a prison looking house that will be out of style in 3 years.
  11. B

    70% of Japanese inns without foreign guests wish to keep it that way

    And no, you will not be able to get by working in a restaurant (unless you are in management). ha ha ha. If you're a manager, you're there 24/7. Forget about life outside of work. Unless you learn the language, as a foreigner, you're stuck with the english teaching thing. Some people dig...
  12. B

    70% of Japanese inns without foreign guests wish to keep it that way

    I doubt many foreigners could even find one of these ryokans, so it's not an important thing, and so it's the owner's loss for being a-holes. Personally, I've never run across blatant discrimination any place here. In fact, being a foreigner has saved my ass many times in brushes with the wrong...