Recent content by Astb

  1. A

    The G-spot may be a myth

    Alice knows about the masturbation rates of males vs. females (though the stats are a little dated): Brushing the beaver vs. choking the chicken I think that conservatives would crap their pants at the idea of a masturbation class, but I think everyone else might come to appreciate it. Why...
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    What OS are you using?

    I mainly use Mac OS X 10.4.11 on this laptop, but I did consider getting 7 so I could upgrade my old Dell. I just didn't bother yet and may have missed out on the cheap pricing there was...
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    The G-spot may be a myth

    Well, since I'm of the female variety, I figure I should step up and say: If a male G-spot can exist, whether there is a physiological difference or not, then a female G-spot can exist. Personally, I've discovered mine and what biblical floods it can cause. I would say it exists because I feel...
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    How likely are you to buy Nintendo's next console?

    My cousins have one. My friend KK has one. My old lady roommates have one. I like it for casual play, but it's not quite 'hardcore' enough for me. There are vastly more cutesy games on Wii than on my 360 or PS2.
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    Hello from Spain!!

    Ojala que te disfrutes de nuestro forum. My Spanish is a little rusty, but I can hold my own. I went to Madrid (Cordoba, Sevilla, Toledo) about 9 years ago and loved it, but haven't gotten a chance to go back yet. I will someday! Welcome.
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    Which country are you from?

    USA [DMV area]
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    Uh.. Can't we just be friends?

    I don't blame people for wanting to procreate or for being attracted to another, but... sometimes it's better to start off nice and slow instead of immediately going in for the kill... Or at least that's how I feel. Oh and women are beautiful, but I'm not a lesbian and I really can't fake being...
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    Uh.. Can't we just be friends?

    So... I'm a little dismayed as of late. I was hanging out with a friend of mine and we went to a local restaurant to get food. We got into a friendly conversation with one of the cooks (it's a Japanese grill). My friend and I finished and went outside. We were just sitting on a bench talking...
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    Ring on the middle finger?

    To my knowledge (and I am a girl), there's nothing about a ring on the middle finger meaning anything. From what I know, promise rings are usually left on the ring finger of the right hand. I could be wrong though. Ask someone who believes in purity balls and you'll have your answer about that...
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    What Car Do You Drive?

    I own a 2008 Subaru Legacy 2.5i Limited. I got really lucky. Yes, I did name it. So what? A girl can name her car if she wants to. :P
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    Adult Swim

    Ahhh... Samurai Jack... :prance: I loved Samurai Jack. I also liked Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing, Trinity Blood... But I may be confusing Toonami days with Adult Swim days... Currently I love Boondocks, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Robot Chicken. Occasionally I watch Metalocalypse, but...
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    PlayStation 3 Thread

    Isn't the Red Ring of Death warranty valid for like 5 years? I remember they extended it because so many people were pissed about the Red Ring of Death. HentaiNeko22, I wouldn't give up hope before you check to make sure you can't send it in again. Nothing like getting a free repair, rather than...
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    coolest realistic pic ever

    Those are cool pictures. Frieza looks very real. The pokemon are cute. I used to wish I had one as a real pet so I could pound Ash into the ground because I always found him annoying. But alas, I have a Yorkshire terrier and two rabbits. They are hardly pokemon....
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    What games are you playing?

    Anything that dwarfs Mass Effect is something I've gotta have. *adds that to her Christmas list* Right now, I'm playing Fight Night Round 4, PGR4, and Call of Duty Modern Warfare. I need to get to Gamestop so I can spend 80% of my most recent paycheck.
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    What's ur greatest fear?

    I am not alone... But I am more afraid of EPIC FAIL than any other type of failure.