Recent content by ar_em_wan

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    [IDed]白鳥百合子 Yuriko Shiratori

    here's some info but i cant read japanesese so bear w/ me. =) # 1987年12月10日 富山県出身 # 血液型:A型 # 身長:158cm # 3サイズ:B89(H).W58.H85cm # 趣味:映畫鑑賞、ショッピング # 特技:ピアノ N/S eyes】#442 ~ 白鳥百合子
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    Ranking of Asian Women (Top to bottom tier)

    this guy and all who agree must be on crack! i mean, how can you actually conclude something like this. have you actually seen enough women from these countries mentioned? have you actually left your hometown at least? or was this based on your porn collection featuring women from these...