This is a tough one.
Title: Super Technical Anime: The Shougun (スーパーテクニカルアニメ ザ・将軍)
Date: 198?
Studio: ?
Length: ?
This is mentioned in the aniota list, but little is known about it. I do know that it exists, but I'm not sure of anything other than the title. Even in the title, some have translated テクニカル as "Techicolor" (I disagree, テクニカラー is "Technicolor", but it might be a mistake from the Japanese source as "technical" makes no sense in the title, but who knows).
I managed to get that image from a Yahoo auctions list. However, I do not have a Yahoo Japan ID, and therefore, I do not have access to the Auction itself. The auction must have a better quality jacket, so if someone has a Yahoo Japan ID, please, access the auction, save the image and post it here.
I'm quite sure that finding it won't be easy, but at least with this post if someone manages to find it, he/she might be able to post a torrent.
ttp:// (This is the Yahoo Auction)
Any other data (like the full date or the studio) about this OVA will be greatly appreciated.
Title: Super Technical Anime: The Shougun (スーパーテクニカルアニメ ザ・将軍)
Date: 198?
Studio: ?
Length: ?
This is mentioned in the aniota list, but little is known about it. I do know that it exists, but I'm not sure of anything other than the title. Even in the title, some have translated テクニカル as "Techicolor" (I disagree, テクニカラー is "Technicolor", but it might be a mistake from the Japanese source as "technical" makes no sense in the title, but who knows).
I managed to get that image from a Yahoo auctions list. However, I do not have a Yahoo Japan ID, and therefore, I do not have access to the Auction itself. The auction must have a better quality jacket, so if someone has a Yahoo Japan ID, please, access the auction, save the image and post it here.
I'm quite sure that finding it won't be easy, but at least with this post if someone manages to find it, he/she might be able to post a torrent.
ttp:// (This is the Yahoo Auction)
Any other data (like the full date or the studio) about this OVA will be greatly appreciated.