dedicated to all who are interested in this old H-anime - The Sensualist - Ihara Saikaku Koshoku Ichidai Otoko (The Life of an Amorous Man) 好色一代男: the version in eMule which seems to be only one in the net at the moment is incomplete, so there is no really chance to get this video downloaded, as Razorback servers in eMule ask everyone to stop dl. The video itself was released in 1990 in Japan, the version in eMule is a copy of the release made in Germany in the year 1992 with the title: Lustgarten der Geisha - Amouren im alten Japan, and it´s German dubbed too. That´s what I could see by the possible preview of the few fragments. It this a story of an old man in Japan at the end of the 17th century reviewing his life and the women he had in his lifetime. The German release is made for ages 16 years or older, so that it´s not a real hentai release.
German cover + 1 shot attached as well as 2 of the possible original covers.