PC based games Windows Vs. Ubuntu/Linux


New Member
Mar 20, 2008
I'm a console gamer thus running Ubuntu is perfect for me, but if you are into PC-gaming then it is Windows all the way, there is no alternative. Wine doesn't work, and when it does it isn't perfect.


Jul 24, 2008
I'm a console gamer thus running Ubuntu is perfect for me, but if you are into PC-gaming then it is Windows all the way, there is no alternative. Wine doesn't work, and when it does it isn't perfect.

I must say I agree completely with your assessment of Wine.
It gives users a lot to "whine" about :) not much else.

Well I do run trial boot... (trial as in three OS systems) but unfortunately I am not to happy with my current setup.

I need windows for work and testing, and Linux to get some serious speed in my surfing but I just wish someone could come up with a really serious alternative to Wine and the Gamba or RealBasic alternatives to Linux so I could drop Windows for good. :...:

Thanks to all for your input in this, but I guess I'll have to retain an old Win XP copy just to be able to play RTW on occasion anyhow.


New Member
Apr 30, 2010
PC based games Windows Vs Ubuntu/Linux

i have a psp and i need to make downloaded games work on it...

i m new to this and i am completely confused on what to install ..

all i want is that i can play downloaded games on my psp

can u tell me how to do that

from where should i start ??


Fine Anime Collector
Apr 20, 2015
My advice would be to do a dual install. You don't want that Windows garbage dirtying up your Linux anyway and thats what Wine is, Windows files. Places for problems to hide.

Give Windows it's own drive and its really nice and everythings fast. When you use Ubuntu, you can open the drive and manipulate Windows all you want and Windows can never say "no" or just leave it unmounted as you surf keeping it safe from viruses and the like.
Windows for it's part, will not see ext. 4 partitions at all meaning it won't waste time reading them. Fast.

Wine is slow, contains lots of garbage, doesn't always work and is a major pain in the butt.

Windows is strictly an Xbox to me. All else is done on Linux.