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  1. S

    Most Women Are BI or Lesbian: Can I say 80 percent?

    all women have the potential to be Bi or Di [ke]. all women can at some point be swayed one way or the other. just like they can be swayed to like a particular cock [for a while]. women are creatures moved by emotion, hormones and "women's logic," which makes trying to pinpoint any trait...
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    SOPA: United States decided tomorrow Nov,17, 2011, the future of the Internet.

    Meanwhile in another Castle: "Why don't we copy the ChIneez and N Kooreahn Governments, by nosing into peoples property and privacy? Other nations have prospered from limiting online at their convenience. It must be effective." "Alright we get on it after finishing the round of...
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    How much can a white girl escort make during a visit to Japan

    Of course she would be beautiful, otherwise why bother? Other things for thought: What is the authorities stance on taking foreign girls to make money, and will the underground crime organizations come have a conversation with you? Anybody with experience in the country that can enlighten us?
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    How do Tokyo fetish bars work?

    I would go to one just for the experience, but not regular. Since women comute everywhere, go up to them until one wants some fun. Thanks for info.
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    Entrance to US experiences

    I have a couple u-15 dvds that I want to take on my trip with me and back, but I also carry my computer and stuff that goes with it. I don't want to get messed with for carrying electronics. (also my nintendo wii). I'd also like to ask about magazines and experience with that.
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    Entrance to US experiences

    With the Patriot Act and heightened security (to keep us safe of course) I wanted to ask for everyones experience when entering the US from travel. Has anyone gotten any sh.t from "Im migrations and Custo ms" when entering the US? If you had electronics were you messed with at all? (I ask this...
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    No more children, please!

    This. Trolls being the CNN mass brainwashed clones who run home to download porn and be vigilantes/ethics police online at the same time. I vote everyone from the JI forum ignore and quit posting in this thread. That simple.
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    Rapidshare plus, others like it?

    I've been using rapidshare Plus 3.1 and it is fantastic. Are there other programs as good as Rapidshare Plus for Megaupload, uploading, etc.? A few months ago I had one for megaupload but does not work anymore. Any info, links, program names would be greatly appreciated. Thanks I've...
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    Compress jpgs with paint help please

    I did what vitreous said and it made the files bigger for whatever reason. I'll keep toying with it, the program looks good.
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    Compress jpgs with paint help please

    When you take most jpgs to paint and save them, they are somehow compressed to a smaller file size (I made a 1.05 mb file to 344kb) without noticeable resolution or quality size. Is there a way to do this in batch rather than do them one by one, which is tedious? If not, are there programs...
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    Adidas in Hot Water over Transparent Loli Swimwear

    Not in the US. Hell, they are letting them all in here, making accommodations so they feel at home. In the countries that they ARE trying to "ban," all the PC people kneel before islam and its "peaceful message." Back to the article, don't little girls wear stuff beneath their bathing suits...
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    Miyazaki: iPad Users "Nothing But Chronic Masturbators"

    Hey I liked his comments. He's pointing out facts and they hurt people who deserve it. Good that hes not all PC and speaks his mind. It would be worse if he played it safe like all other artists "who don't want to offend anyone." He was only pointing out that all this technology is good, but to...
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    No more children, please!

    Troll thread is Troll thread obvious. Five pages and counting?:pandalaugh:
  14. S Sign Up ?

    any way of tricking a site or making a "docomo e-mail" that is "free"/online based?
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    A... Gay thread?!?!

    Start a gay forum. Don't bring it here. There is enough politically correct stuff in the world. Not akiba. If the gay thread/section is started then go all out PC: Transvestites, hermaphrodites, amputees, hairlips, quadriplegics, bulldykes, and every other abnormality we should admire...
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    Happy Easter

    Pink Pineapple kicks ass. They have the best grapics. I have not seen their newer stuff though. Is this up for ddl?
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    Is the lottery a fraud?! What are you working for?

    There were some nice ideas and sentences. If you polished it and added some research data, it would make an interesting essay.
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    Too Much Info, Girl!

    eh, saku you get low reputation. You come in and tell us of this girl but no pics? foreskin tug but no finish?
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    How can i find japanese penpal

    heh, was aqua being sarcastic? I think he wanted a link to a site.
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    Successful VirtualSex With Japanese lesbian!

    I call shenanigans, everyone go home and get a broom.
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    To cheat or not to cheat on the missus

    Cheat on that life support system for a pussy? Certainly.
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    The problem is that all girls seem to already boyfriends.

    The problem is that all girls seem to already boyfriends.... SO approach her and ignore it. It is that simple, I have done that so many times. "But I have a boyfriend." Take your Pick: "So do I, do you want some of this" "Oh thats nice but he is not invited" "Thats your problem not mine" It...
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    I'd love to have sex in a big pool of _________!

    Big Pool of Lolis.
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    Boyfriends of your girlfiends...

    "Well I have a boyfriend." "Hes not invited." is my reply Sorry but I find it funny that you try to be friends with a girls boyfriend. Make your goal clear to both of them, rather than getting into a tangled mess. I just ignore it. It feels good that the guy feels threatend that you are...
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    New Legend of Zelda (wii)

    they are whoring it out like Metroid. What can we do, we will likely purchase it anyways.
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    End of r*** in ero anime and games?

    There is a lot to debate here and much is not about this actual incident. This is just one of many examples of how everything has to be politically correct nowadays. We are now being raised to believe that being inoffensive should be our priority in life. It goes back to the Islamic Cartoons...
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    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    thanks for info, though I would have liked to see a continuation of the series rather than a remake. Have links for downloads?
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    Shaving girl's pubic hair is definitely a turn on!

    Shaving a girl is a definite... NO.
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    Rapidshare changed rules and delete my premium acc

    I don't understand why most people on this site use Rapidshare. The only people who seem to benefit from it are the uploaders who get free accounts for their contribution. I split a Megaupload account with a friend, and it runs very smoothly. Pro Megaupload movement commence!
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    FFVII Crisis Core

    I agree with Nori, the gameplay is boring and simplistic. It feels like you go through all that garbage gameplay only to see the next amazing cutscene. The makers should have released a compilation of all the videos in the game and put it on a dvd. I would get that instead.
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    How likely are you to buy Nintendo's next console?

    Nintendo went to a different target audience and now outsells PS3 and XBOX360. When new Smash Bros is announced for their new system, other "jaded" fans and myself will get it.
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    Why JAVs girls have long public hair???

    Where to begin? I like my women shaved. "Natural" does not matter, since I like to see them nude and not covered by hair. When I say "Spread your legs" I want to see their nether lips and not pubes. It does not get itchy, though some shave better because their skin gets used to it. Others get...
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    Fate Stay Night [eng dub]

    english language or subs?
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    Horny Jap mother and son incest (Uncensored!!)

    "no need to download", Great, saving me disk space.
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    What torrent client do you use?

    bitlord for everything.
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    [Asian] Indian, Japanese, Thai Thread

    so where is the "Indian" shit?
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    HOLY CRAP! I'm here!!!

    a bit tame aren't you? the top sounds like me, and I don't disagree with the bottom part. though I hope you mean real alcohol and not beer
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    Becoming A Japanese Citizen

    from what ive read japan colleges are more difficult to get into, and the social structure in the country makes it difficult for one to move from one "social rank" to the next (i.e. not as easy to get into and get financed while in college compared to US). also, discrimination or disdain (for...
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    Chokotto Sister DVDs any Good for Nudity?

    later on in the series (episodes 6 and on I believe) they randomly throw nude scenes in. I have not watched the entire series yet. I must say it is a decent anime if you accept that this kind of series has little to no plot, you are watching it for the fanservice and "wish real life was like...
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    Box Hako New H-Game Of Illusion

    Question: is "japanese windows" a requirement to run the program? if it is, then that makes most of us unable to use it
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    Olympic opening uses girl's voice, not face

    Go look up the new South Park episode "The China Problem" (came out last night). It has to do with the chinese and Cartman's plan to stop their supposed invasion of the US. Great episode as always. (Also has some very graphic images even for South Park standards)
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    Did you have fucked other guy's girl or wife?How about it?

    "You will be treated the same the way you treated people," only if you let it happen. If getting a wife, I would first have her under such as spell that she would not even think about being unfaithful; moreover, I feel sorry for the man who tries to pull of shit on me like example above...
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    Olympic Gymnasts

    back to the gymnsastics subject, I would suggest whoever has links to videos, to post them in another thread. and come on, do all of the nations, not just asians or japs etc. (except for ethiopia)
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    Code Geass

    recently started watching it. great series and apparently the dvds with english subs just started coming out. so is it separated into 2 twelve episode seasons ?(since it has around 25 eps)
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    Australians Hate Hentai [AHH]

    dont know if anyone posted this, but fcome on, its australians. hentai is nice because it is so clean and aestheticlly perfect (some of them anyways). australians way of thinking is in the backwoods with some sort of marsuppial or other ofshoot of vertabrae that is not homoerectus :perhaps:
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    Fantasize about a girl riding on yr cock while others lick yr balls?

    no, I would never have thought that. I mean I that is disgusting, new-gen and unheard of. you are one sick bastard, yknow that, but I like your style (joke)
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    shit, I just use the metric system when giving size. "Its 97" ---- told my girlfriend that my dick was like a baby. she was dumbfounded untily she saw it, after which she almost passed out her: "I thought it was like a baby, look at that monster" me: "yeah like a baby, 6 lbs 9 ounces" -...