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  1. S

    Windows 8

    Don't like 8 at all. Think I'll stick with 7 and Android tablets for the foreseable future.
  2. S

    Windows XP support ends one year from today!

    I loved XP. It did exactly what I wanted for the time. And then came Vista and a huge backwards step was made by Microsoft. 7, is a good OS, and far better than the rather dated 8. But XP will probably rank as my favourite OS of all. Shame it's almost EoL, but at least it was good.
  3. S

    what are you watching? (tv shows)

    The Wire: season 3. This is about the 3rd time of watched the boxset, and I still find something new & interesting in every episode. Omar rocks!!!
  4. S

    Which country are you from?

    I'm from England - a country with unpredictable weather, unpredictable people, but very predictable politicians that like to shaft you 24/7
  5. S

    The Slow Adoption Of Windows 8. The Next Version Of Windows. Windows Blue. Soon ....

    8 looks dated already. It is clearly aimed at the tablet market, but finds itself miles behind the Droids & Pads of this world. I don't really see it being much of a success in the business world either other than for simple stuff like Exchange Mail & Sharepoint perhaps. W7 is perhaps the best...
  6. S

    Like to lick the vagina?

    Being lesbian I have had good and bad experiences of going down on another girl: some just have absolutely no idea regarding personal hygiene, just assuming that because they quickly clean the entrance is enough! But on the flip side, licking a girl out is a wonderful experience, especially...
  7. S

    What security software do you use on your PC?

    Avast, Spybot: search & destroy, Malwarebytes and one or two others, along with using Firefox and noscript. All rather easy to manage, update & configure: and in my book far better than the over-rated bloat of the big boys like Norton & Sophos
  8. S

    What's ur greatest fear?

    of being r***ing
  9. S

    poor chinese girl r***ing by male students and slapped by females

    Happy Slapping & Sexting, is quite common here in the UK and no doubt elsewhere in the world. It is like bullying in the 21st century: basically you find some weak individual, make sure the bully has a bunch of friends just to make him/her look even more hard & intimidating, and then beat...
  10. S

    Train-grope website pervs under pressure

    A line has to be drawn between the world of fictional fantasy and the hard realities of civil decency when it comes to this kind of thing. The old adage "you can look but don't touch" is adequate enough I would have thought. But to actually invade the space of other non-consenting individuals...
  11. S

    now that Christmas is coming

    Christmas is geared far too much towards commercialism and the pressure on parents to buy their kids the most fashionable/expensive gifts. The true meaning of Christmas seems to have disappeared and most people see it has a time to have a few days holiday, get drunk and over indulge. bah humbug!
  12. S

    favorite anime

    Full metal panic, appleseed, ghost in the shell, 808:oedo, Cyber City PatLabor
  13. S

    Site down for 2 days?

    Well thank heavens its back online! I'm sure the mods or admins will give us an update when they're good and ready:happy:
  14. S

    Japanese Girlfriends

    My current partner is 100% Japanese: she's a student here at university. speaks good English, is very independent, aloof, a touch arrogant at times. And won't take any shit from anyone (including me!) if she feels she's either in the right or is defending an issue she feels passionately about...
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    I love Wiki, its a mine of information that is so invaluable that I don't know where I'd be without it. True people shouldn't put their blind faith in it: nothing is 100% accurate; even the great books of the world - The Bible for example, are sometimes rewritten, re-edited or "updated" to...
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    Price of Smokes Could Go Up

    Smokes, booze and fuel tax are easy targets for lazy governments looking to scrape more money from their citizens. Here in the UK the cost of a packet of 20 ciggies is about £6, booze in pubs is a joke and the cost of a gallon of unleaded is about £11 ffs!!! Other governments will inevitably do...
  17. S

    Tsutomu Miyazaki, the "Otaku Murderer" is executed

    Glad this little sick shit fried: no excuse for doing the sick & horrible things he did.
  18. S

    Most intense/hardcore/disgusting JAV ever

    I saw that film too. Nothing overly weird or disgusting, although the girl in the cage had to use what looked like a cat litter tray to do her #1s & 2s!!! I think the film in question was something like "Girl in a Cage" (ref: open0759)
  19. S

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    Well I'm another female coming out of the shadows to say "hi!" I love my hentai & manga; but am also well absorbed into all things JAV: probably down to the lesbian in me lol
  20. S

    Live-action monster Hentai??

    I used to have the La Blue Girl Live series too. Mildly erotic in places, but of course its never going to beat the anime versions as its very difficult trying to simulate realistic looking tentacles raping some poor schoolgirl. Blue Girl tried but it never really worked very well.
  21. S

    your fav JAV model

    Satomi Sakai, Megumi Hoshi, Konomi Futaba, Anna Kuramoto
  22. S

    A lil' research

    1) When is your first time to feel horny? I'd say around 10-11 2) When did you lose your virginity? Well I'm a lesbian so I guess I still have my virginity in the context of male-female intercourse; but I have had one or two girlfriends over the years, so I would guess I lost it to them at the...
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    What sex do you wanna be?

    I'm happy being a girl thanks, never really had any inclinations to think what it must be like to be male.