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  1. Zevs

    Because I never posted, obviously? :) I'm not into idols or JAVs, normally, but I like dolls...

    Because I never posted, obviously? :) I'm not into idols or JAVs, normally, but I like dolls, and there aren't many of those.
  2. Zevs

    [R] Doll DVDs

    I think the doll in the video is something like older version of Also, according to, such rental services should exist. There is certainly demand for that. But using a used doll... :madesu: Maybe for clothing...
  3. Zevs

    [R] Doll DVDs

    I have found a different doll video that should be relevant to this topic, [SDMT-361] いもうと りん. And since I don't know of any other similar DVDs, I'll post it here. Preview:
  4. Zevs

    Life-sized Dolls

    Actually most of plastic-virgin sets are available on the manufacturer's site at, there is around 0.5Gb of 3000 pictures. I don't quite understand why to sell them then. There is less nudity and close-ups are scarce though, so this must be the only difference.
  5. Zevs

    Life-sized Dolls

    So, any possible way how to get these sets?