Search results

  1. N

    PSP hentai game english

    thats quite disappointing.......
  2. N

    PSP hentai game english

    is there a H-game that can be played in PSP and is dubbed or subbed in english???:cry:
  3. N

    DS games

    oh really?? what if my friend has a copy and i sometimes borrow it.. the problems is were far from each other now. thats y i bought my self a DS. he has a "pokemon diamond" "pokemon mystery dungeon", "the world ends with you", "summon night: twin age" and "super mario 64 DS".. he has original...
  4. N

    DS games

    i have a linker... and in the phil.. NOTHING is illegal in downloading pirated games 4 personal use!!
  5. N

    DS games

    hey guys:prance: :casual:any suggestions what sites can i find good DS FREE games??? im having a nintendo DS soon...:grassdance: and i want to start ahead on where 2 download games...:shake: :please:i wish you guys can give some suggestions..:perfectplan: thank you very much:bow-pray:
  6. N

    PSP games request

    Could anyone :why2:PLSSS upload some (english language) PSP games(cso,iso) GAMES here thats in torrents.... I bought a PSP last week:grassdance:... and i only have ONE F***ING game:perhaps: plsssss here my request...any Great games will do....pls sent a lot....:bow-pray:
  7. N

    true or false? WHY?

    you know.......we have the same problem......when I was a senior.(im 1st year college now) dude,i have a buddy in me senior days and he's just like what you describe yourself. and he gets to sleep with girls ever week. and if he pursue girls,he can sleep with them ever night! i dont know how he...
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    [RF]シャッフル! Shuffle! (EN sub)

    Ahh! I bought a shuffle! DVD a 3dvd set. and the first CD won't work!!!!! please some one post shuffle! 1-10 w/subs. I cant watch the other CD's if I don't watch the other episodes! And I bought it in the city and its 8 hours travel form my town… HELP!
  9. N

    [RF]涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (EN sub)

    please someone post a torrent of suzumiya w/ english subs… please and thank u!!
  10. N

    airgear EPISODE 27?

    hey theres only 25 or 26 eps in the dvd of airgear,but here in the philippines theres a nxt episode i thnk its 26 or 27:omg2: .after ikki jump a 35.2 or something distance at the devil 30-30 challenge. what gives:crash: that an OVA??? i just watch it a moment ago and im sure its not...
  11. N

    true or false? WHY?

    baler, aurora and the american tourist and the filipina prosty was sent to the hospital TOGETHER AS IN LOCKED!!! (thats further in to the rumor told to me)
  12. N

    laptop networking question

    im going to college and im going to buy a laptop.but i want to access the web so i can still go ko akiba-online. but the wireless router available for laptop is too expensive. O.K. now the Question: is it true that a wireless lan can somehow give a signal for the web from a router of a pc in...
  13. N

    true or false? WHY?

    Q? good for you:goodjob: .......but kinda sad that it almost happen to me but was spoiled.....DAMN PARENTS:crash: story: i think 6 or 7 of the 7 girls(all friends w/ each other and my self) like me....they held an orgy(competition on who's the sexiest and recieve the reward...1st place=...
  14. N


    pls give some link on where i can dl it. i want to watch all of this. cuz sometimes there are tips on getting girls in romantic animes:bingo2: (tried some tips once from some anime..dont remember the title, and it kinda worked):sarcastic: so ive been trying other tips and still collecting...
  15. N

    Which country are you from?

    PHILIPPINES the land of political killing,corraption,and rarerities:full: but after i graduate...hmm i plan on migrating somewhere:secret:
  16. N


    wow oh really??? can you pls give me the link on where i can dl the torrent. is it a complete ep??
  17. N

    help need a free mkv-avi converter

    sorry about that...... my bad :bow-pray:
  18. N

    help need a free mkv-avi converter

    i tnx for the help, but i need to convert a full 30min hentai this are trial packs.and can only conver 1min
  19. N


    TNX oh holzy thnx i'll dl all episode of this anime. and again TNX!!!:happy2:
  20. N

    help need a free mkv-avi converter

    can anybody give me a link or even give me a free (and a good)MKV to AVI CONVERTER.plss:bow-pray: help me cuz i cant convert mkv to the file that my cellphone can accept. it only convert avi to that file. :bow-pray: :bow-pray: :bow-pray: :bow-pray: :bow-pray:
  21. N

    true or false? WHY?

    oh well oh well...atleast i asked:runintears: i think i'll just create a style that only curve down penises can do:sarcastic: _____________________________________________________________________ ok is it true that all girls are willing to try lesbian sex???:casual: (just thought i'd...
  22. N

    true or false? WHY?

    the problem is what if its already curved downwards...:exhausted2: actually mine is kinda curve to but not that much.tried putting it upwards...but it kinda hurts when i get a hard on.:runintears:
  23. N

    true or false? WHY?

    why nc answers, but what can i eat to get more loads??? and another Q! :casual:is it true that when you always put your penis downward in your pants,it will curve down when it erect??? and how do you fix that 4 it to point up??:miserable:
  24. N

    true or false? WHY?

    :casual: is it true that you cum less when you mastarbate than when you have sex and about how much less?:exhausted2:
  25. N

    give me a list please

    hentai movies w/ SUBs and Hmanga(english translated) i'll be very greatful for your replies:bow-pray:
  26. N

    give me a list please

    please give me a list of hentai /w good quality. themes: YURI, HAREM, Variety of girls.(and if your kind enough,put also where I can find the torrent). please,your replies will be greatly honored:bow-pray:
  27. N

    what do girls think of hairy legs

    hey guys! what do you think on how would the girls react on heary legs beyond all means?? cuz I have hair from my ankles to my butt.:donotwant: and kinda annoyed on what would the girls think....
  28. N


    oh holzy. do you have "nagasarete airantou"? if you have may I request it.
  29. N

    teach me pls!!!

    dont worry dont worry aquamarine your advice is good too.:relief: and thanks for all the replies that all of you made.:happy2: somehow,now I know how to approch the girl that I like.:goodboy: (cuz on high school,im always being helped by the friend of the girl I like and they end up...
  30. N

    teach me pls!!!

    nice advice FHC. I realize that now.:miserable: oh and I forgot to mention, IM A FEMENIST:moe: (correct me if its the wrong spelling) so i respect girls a lot. that is why a hate seeing gangbang,tenticles and monsters.:donotwant: what i want are yuri,and happy bondage(anything where the...
  31. N

    teach me pls!!!

    i'll be going to ADAMSON UNIVERSITY,manila. its still in the taking computer engineering cuz im used to computer and its my favorite tool. I even named my computer "Mia". I plan on going to japan about 2 years after i graduate.
  32. N


    wow tnx thnx for the response. ill request some soon.ill just search for what that is. :goodboy:
  33. N

    teach me pls!!!

    NICE nice picture dude! how about this face :goodboy: im still kinda little pimpled but im working on it. its pretty hot here in the Philippines so you cant get no pimple unless you dont go out side. oh and for sports: play baseball once as 1st baser, trained taekwondo(also played in...
  34. N


    can someone give me a list of all interesting anime w/ romantic comedy genre that i can watch on youtube or anywhere free.:bow-pray: (w/ subtitles plz):goodboy: your response will be greatly honored
  35. N

    teach me pls!!!

    im going to ADAMSON UNIVERSITY, computer engineering is my cource. I like cute,beautiful,sexy girls w/ cute or interesting personality....and also kinda naught at the same time. HEHEHE
  36. N

    teach me pls!!!

    yup a into change.and im working on my confedence,cuz im kinda shy...some girl prefer shy boys cuz they say there cute(thats what my friends said{all girls that have interest in me}) but im kinda tall so cute aint working for me. pls try the link i put on,theres another problem there.
  37. N

    teach me pls!!!

    im a 17 year old boy.:hero: STANDING:still a virgin!!!:abandoned2: about to get in im going to the city to study. (im from the philippines so theres no junior HS) now the problem..... im :notagain2: an OTAKU guy who likes to be w/ his computer for a long time,who needs tips on...
  38. N

    For the first time...

    still a virgin but did some exploring so this is a story, was grade 5(philippines) met a girl in my class,interesting body figure.end up being friends w/ her and exploring the upper and lower side of her body(obisiously foking here and there)but she strickly wont allow in the panty zone.well...
  39. N


    umm.... can some pls post an url of where i can download ATLAS. ATLAS is a proggram that translate japanese to english right? pls i need it badly.ive been searching the web but cant find it.:sick: :bow-pray: pls need help:bow-pray:
  40. N

    Giving up my IV collection

    man thats hard....:sick: but i felt it once too. I think you just dont know what to do to it any more.cuz you all ready know whats there.the happy feeling when you first saw the video is not there anymore...thats feelings is :destroy: :perhaps: :furious2: i felt that feeling when i...
  41. N

    READ THIS! Akiba-Online returns again: ALL ATTACHMENTS LOST, starting again

    THANK GOD YOUR BACK!!!!! its like HELL visiting everday just to check if akiba is up again and finding out that ITS STILL NOT! but thank god your back.... nice! GOOD WORK!