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  1. Q

    I wana know how many girls are in this forum

    another reason we tend to hide is the rudeness by which we are greeted with on many forums, demands for voicechat. webcam, nude picture etc etc.. oh, and I do watch the hentai, maybe I've twisted that way, but then again, so are you :-)
  2. Q

    what do girls think of hairy legs

    I must say I dont have a problem with hair on men, so long as the man in question remembers to shower on a regular basis :-)
  3. Q

    Hentai Manga Uploads [Gigeshare] [Megaupload]

    so.. do I need to signup with gigashare to get at them ? Or am I missing something.. edit: seems I was, thats what I get for not reading everything.
  4. Q

    What's ur greatest fear?

    The loss of my loved ones, ie hubby and my kids.
  5. Q


    Hi everyone. Finally got around to joining a board, I hope I'll be able to contribute something that hasnt already been done :)