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  1. X is finally shut down, probably has been for some time now!!

    This was a Russian site that featured very beautiful models but due to their notorious WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE ever, finally it consumed them and they had to shut down. I remember ordering from these people and at one point, they even kept my money, they never completed any customs and...
  2. X

    Freshmeat, Senior

    How many levels are a there in the forum? I also see the part were it says Thanked X times in X posts and then some kind of colorful bar next to it. I've been here for a while and just now I decided that I want to find out what all this is, it's probably already been talked about some where...
  3. X

    damn snow! tire spinning, transmission popping, car messed up!

    So over here in Pennsylvania we had a massive snow storm or actually, snow falling on top of snow that was already there! I spent 3 hours cleaning my car and then as I went about my things through out the day, I actually wasted a whole tank of fuel just spinning my tires! I mean, my god, I...
  4. X

    Is the lottery a fraud?! What are you working for?

    Today I spoke to a senior woman who participated in a live TV lottery drawing, she commented to me the following facts. The lottery numbers are spit out by a computer, the person participating in the live drawing has ONLY the job of picking that ball and showing it to the screen. However, you...
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    2001 Hyundai Elantra problem

    Hey guys, I know most of you aren't into cars or anything like that but here is a funny one. Today I got up at 3 AM and drove to Walmart, yes they are open 24 hours. On my way home, the check engine light magically came on......about 2 miles from my house I noticed something strange with the...
  6. X


    So I found this site called and found at.binaries.teenfem.nospam.nonude or something like that and WOW!!!! I saw the most beautiful girls on there, thousands and thousands of pictures of the type of stuff I like to look at, nothing hardcore just very sexy looking girls and teens...
  7. X

    selective service, huh?!

    Did I forget to tell you guys I tried to enlist in the ARMY a couple of days back? Yes I did, I did. Anyway, I tried to enlist or apply which ever, I took their math test and told them I had my GED which they didn't think was acceptable and told me I should go back to H.S and get a...
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    flat tire & climaxed in a dream!! wtf?!

    FLAT TIRE* This is a 2 in 1 thread; I woke up late today for work after a "short nap" bad idea. Found out later I had a flat tire when I tried to get to work. The messed up part, my car is parked on steep hill facing down towards it. I asked the 2$#@$ am I going to jack up this...
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    Has anger ever made you do anything stupid?

    I remember when I was with my ex-girlfriend, we were living together. It was actually my first time living together with someone that I loved. Everything was overwhelming to me at first and problems started. All I know is that this girl loved me to death and one night, she talked to me about...
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    User CP in Akiba Forum

    I was just reading a thread that caught my attention and then I looked at "User CP" on the top bar and wondered. Oh wow, lol...I hope this doesn't mean CP as in child porn, ha ha ha.
  11. X

    You just won 338 million what?

    First of all, sorry for all my recent threads and not giving others an opportunity to post. I have become aware of this and will slow down just so everyone knows. Anyways on my thread... You just played the lotto last night and today you've hit the big jackpot; you just won 338 million dollars...
  12. X

    Things that 'you like.'

    This is some what like the thread titled, "Things that piss you off." Except this one is about thinks you like. I know that thread left some of us in a bad mood, at least when I replied I slapped a wall, lOL! Things that I like! 1. People who leave in a hurry off the gas pump and leave 3...
  13. X

    The US Government is at it again...

    When will they stop prying into people's private lives, is it any of their business? What are they going to do now, ban social networks like myspace, hi5 and facebook? Every year more and more rules and regulations come up. If they keep at this, the american people are going to launch a civil...
  14. X

    What does this mean?

    I was in a japanese room on IMVU the other day and there was this one girl repeating the following over and over... xeffects はばか者である。 I don't understand Japanese but I copied and saved it. So, I want to know please, what was she saying?
  15. X

    What is your collection like?

    I thought this would be fun. I have attached a snapshot of my Idols folder on my backup drive. Some of you already know I lost 236gb of content and well, I have about 8.60gb now but thats not very impressive. *** Attach a snapshot of your folder collection, not everything has to be visible...
  16. X

    Just lost 236 Gb of Junior Idol Content =(

    Last night I was installing the new Windows 7. My system was previously running Windows XP. However, I was running on a RAID configuration, that means two hard drives united as 1. Everything went fine and upon reboot, I got a message saying "Partition System not found or missing, please...