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    [R]菜乃花 Nanoka なの想い(ENFD-5802)

    Hey everyone! Anyone interested in group buy Nanoka 菜乃花 latest IV ENFD-5802. Maybe just 1-2 people will be enough to share the cost, the more the merrier. Trailer here Some gifs of her previous IVs
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    Ways to watch VR JAVs

    Saw some new JAVs that is in VR already, really excited to try it out. But not sure what's the best way to go around it. I have an android phone and also got the VRBOX. Which app should I use to watch the movie?
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    Why is it so hard to buy IV?

    I wonder why isn't there more sites that offers gravure videos streaming with legit purchases. I see DMM has open which is a more english friendly site for international.. Is it like a cultural thing, do javs and gravure studios isn't really into selling internationally because...
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    Buying YOUIV VIP?

    Hey there, Anyone a YOUIV VIP? I can't seem to buy their VIP since they don't accept paypal. How about I paypal you and we'll both use the account together?
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    [R]自主トレ…なのか!? 菜乃花(WBDV-0120)

    Nanoka WBDV-0120 has been out for few months but still no downloads. I see YOUIV is selling around $20. Anyone interested? I can paypal you $20 and you can help me buy and we'll share it together. Her old IV video screenshots