
jack wayne
ok,im gonna give it a try. Thanks alot zoolanimal
jack wayne
good news and bad news zoolanimal. good news is the link that you gave me is pretty fast for MEEL-01, MEEl-01 and MATE-06 is not the same though the cover of both make me confuse and bad news is the torrent for MATE-06 has no seeds, it's been a day now and it only downloaded 0.2% and i try to find different torrent but they're all same as this one, different magnet but the same.
jack wayne
thanks you for MEEL-01 link, i'm gonna continue to search for MATE-06 torrent if you happen to find another link of MATE-06 please let me know. thank you
another magnet for MATE-06: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0C5D21C4B26226136E767D860BAD7E1C99E05C08&dn=mate06.mp4&tr=%2audp%3a%2f%2fopen.demonii.com%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.publicbt.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.istole.it%3a80%2fannounce
and if all else fails i have a couple of versions: MAT06.SD.mp4 and MATE06.mp4 - probably identical as they are 1.47gb each. we can probably work a trade. email zoolanimal@gmail.com - i also know where you can get this digitally overseas for 1,960円. e.g., if you have STAR-1103 i will get you MATE-06.
jack wayne
im sorry zool , i don't have STAR-1103 the STAR i have is STAR -1092.i was going to offer vicd-252 but it seem like you got it long long ago.Not long ago i come across a torrent that have all STAR serries on btdigg.org but now it seem like the web site is down. very sorry zool
jack wayne
but you gave me a star video that worth collecting so i'm gonna search for it. i'll let you know if i find something
jack wayne
can do something else for the link of your MATE-06
jack wayne
can i do something else for the link of your MATE-06 ?
sure we can do something else. videos i am looking for: older the better of Art SM or Cinemagic; dragon image videos - look on my dragon image ddl thread to determine what dragon image i am looking for; sodom videos, censored, in DSD- series; any good jav with rubber, latex and leather girls; jav fisting i don't have and i have alot currently and alot i have lost.
and btw btdigg.org may be gone inexplicably; seems like it just disappeared over night; it was just torrent indexing site so torrent should still be out there somewhere - that is nature of the torrents unless btdigg had the sole servers maintaining the seeds of the torrents which is totally unusual for torrents.
jack wayne
wow ok i'll try search for video that you request and i'm not guarantee that i'll find the video that you dont have cause seem like you have alots of video that i don't even know and to be honest with you im a vietnamese so there is some site that i don't have access to over here, but i'll try for MATE-06
jack wayne
Oh my god zool i looked into your post, you post to many videos now i dont which to find. i wanna ask you a question do you have rubber doll or skin doll 14 fetish and maniac videos ? (sorry this one i mess up my english)
jack wayne
cause these are the videos i have that include rubber and fisting