Recent content by Terranova

  1. T

    Slut an archaic term

    Thought as complimentary by whom? I see no reason why one cannot be 'virtuous' and have many sexual partners they aren't mutally exclusive. No more than having sex before marriage.
  2. T

    Slut an archaic term

    You can have trust and fidelity with one person no matter how many sexual partners you have had before them. As long as that stops once that relationship starts. Some in fact have open relationships and are quite happy to have other sexual partners again as long as sefe sex is practiced. My main...
  3. T

    Slut an archaic term

    Shouldn't the term slut be consigned to the dust bin of history? As long as you practice safe sex it shouldn't matter what gender you are or how many you can have sex with.
  4. T

    What's ur greatest fear?

    Peak Oil hits before I'm set up.
  5. T

    what's your target until the end of 2010?

    Work and then holiday in 2011.