Recent content by shujin

  1. S

    What games are you playing?

    Monster Hunter 2ndG. Its tough going on your own, but when you get a couple of friends together it's bad ass. Luckily a few of the guys in my lab are addicted so I always have buddies to join up with.
  2. S

    learning Japanese?

    Conversational to me means being able to sit and have a general conversation, without having to look up every other word in an electric dictionary. I disagree with you using fluent in connection to being able to order from a menu. Fluent comes from the Latin word fluens, or to flow or...
  3. S

    learning Japanese?

    I'm sure you're exaggerating on purpose. Even if you didn't sleep for that whole week, you couldn't become fluent. I think, based on my experience and those of my classmates, with hard work you can become CONVERSATIONAL in a year, two if you slack a "little". The main problem with being...
  4. S

    Working in Japan?

    Since you'll only be in japan for a short time, I think it maybe a lil hard to find something. You could always register on a website, like, the upside to most sites like this is no one will ever check your visa to see if you're actually allowed to work. The downside is you...
  5. S

    Going to Japan

    I should think a fair number of members here speak Japanese, at various levels. I personally arrived here 2 1/2 years or so ago speaking no Japanese. I've since become pretty much fluent, thanks to good basics at my university's language department and the fact that I made some good friends...
  6. S

    No input file specified.

    When I click some links, i get a blank page that only says No input file specified. This a problem on my end? Using Firefox2.0.0.7 and most links work.
  7. S

    Photos from Japan

    This is a funny one. I have "regular" photos as well, but since I'm here long term, not so much on the touristy side. This one is from a sign outside the aquarium in Nagoya. Apparently bombs are not allowed.
  8. S

    Going to Japan

    I should clarify I suppose. I meant more along the lines of "culture shock" things like cosplayers and what not. Japan is fantastic place with a great many wonderul things to see even after my 2 years as well. Make sure you check out Daruma, which is like a Waseda University landmark ( or...
  9. S

    Going to Japan

    I think you may have already gone, but may as well keep suggesting things for other people to read. I'm a big fan of going to places most people don't. Akiba, Harajuku, and so on, those are the kinds of place every tourist goes to, and theres nothing wrong with that. You definately wanna see...
  10. S

    learning Japanese?

    Yeah hes saying nothing. He says a real word now and then, but beyond that just making noises.
  11. S

    learning Japanese?

    Like Sinatra says, Nice 'n' Easy does it Definately study hiragana and katakana together, since its the same pronuncitations and for the most part they are very similar. You may as well get them going. Learning to recognize them is not difficult. Being able to read quickly is something that...
  12. S

    learning Japanese?

    A Japanese girlfriend is a great aid, this is true. But its easier to get one if you can speak Japanese :bingo2: My friends would never invite me to goukons before. But lately I've been a on a few. :flattered: While all Japanese people study English in school, the dont really speak it...
  13. S

    learning Japanese?

    I'm here in Japan studying for my masters. I've been here a little over a year and a half and when I came I spoke basically no Japanese. You'll be surprised how far you can get with "Hai" and "Wakarimasen" Anyhoo, I speak it fairly fluently now (depending on the conversation) and this is a...
  14. S

    saddest anime scene(s)

    I think we're forgetting Saikano. When the world is ending and the Shuji's parents embrace one last time :why: