Recent content by Roflmayonaise

  1. R

    Immersive 3D Content and Enthusiasts (oh boy...)

    I can't find any VOVS videos online, how come? I thought the market would be flooded.
  2. R

    JAVa - JAV organizer! - Downloads covers and sorts your JAV

    Sorry I havn't responded in a while, I stopped checking after a few weeks of no response. Was hoping for more users/feedback. It will scan infinitely deep. The current version doesn't recognize previously scanned archives, there is some code for it but it's just not hooked up. But it's...
  3. R

    JAVa - JAV organizer! - Downloads covers and sorts your JAV

    Love the questions, I might've been too loose on the details. If you're afraid of the program, simply try it out with a couple of videos you copy to a folder away from your main to see what happens. It doesn't touch the source at all, it only creates shortcuts to them, as you said. The actual...
  4. JAVa - JAV organizer! - Downloads covers and sorts your JAV

    This is a small program which will fetch cover, actors and genre for your javs. It will then organize it into a folder where you can easily browse. I appreciate feedback! MEGA Instructions (Windows only) Open JAVa.jar Put in your...