Recent content by roceil123

  1. R

    Blade and Soul!

    better google it instead of asking here mate.
  2. R

    Volcano erupts, showers Kagoshima City with rocks and ash

    Seen a lot of documentary about volcano to know where this is going.
  3. R

    System flaw weakens blocking of child porn

    And they wounder why birth rate is in the decline. Too many girls too traumatized to even get near a guy>,< *sarcasm*
  4. R

    10 Things Foreign Guys Do... JP girls fall [for]

    now that's an eye opener. Gonna some of those:grassdance:
  5. R

    ANONYMOUS Launches Cyber Attack on Japan

    6yrs old prisoner here they come>,< Or is it younger? Good luck with human rights people Japan.
  6. R

    20,000 protest outside Noda's residence

    Like i said to reduce the demand for power they need to shift their factories else where. But that would mean lower income for the country and high unemployment oh wait is it already happening? just asking. Every plan mentioned needs cash. Unless the people in the government "donates" their...
  7. R

    20,000 protest outside Noda's residence

    Now then all plans are plans and it will take years to be fully functional. So what's the immediate action to take to avert rolling black outs? Turn on the Nuke Plants. You can't go around it even if you cried blood. Well not unless you want to sacrifice your factories then get it shifted to...
  8. R

    20,000 protest outside Noda's residence

    Coal Plants? Are you serious? Not gonna add anymore comment on this one. Solar Plants? hmmm wounder how EU or US progressed on this sector, last i hear not good. First COSTLY, the tech progressed yes but not enough. Wind Farms? Maybe as long as it's strong enough. This part of the world...
  9. R

    20,000 protest outside Noda's residence

    So what would those protesters do if power companies starts rotating blackouts:puzzled: Wait don't tell me BLAME THE GOVERNMENT.
  10. R

    NPA sets up special committee to stop crimes by police

    Japan still has hope to refill their decreasing population. Make raising less expensive then problem solve. Their men are still sexually active w/ 3D girls.
  11. R

    Sweden: Supreme Court mulls manga child porn appeal

    Msg sent and receive. Stop LOOKING and just DO IT!
  12. R

    Dying to be thin

    I don't even have anything to comment on this except something random like this>,<
  13. R

    Osaka. Japan's most dangerous city... [safer] compared to USA?

    What riot hahahaha The article literally said: At least there's less people DYING and GETTING r*** here than in the USA. I'd like to see their faces if their blood relative or family are the ones getting killed and r***. Might as well go to Japan and kill and r*** a few people then.
  14. R

    Panty-peeling pervert prowling blue-light Yokohama

    That's some serious fetish there, surprised didn't go for r*** or did i miss reading that part?
  15. R

    Thousands hit Tokyo streets to demand 'No Nukes!'

    w/ all the active nuke plant in the world and most just near the seas, the Japanese people would think that even if they stop others won't. Unless lets say america gets f**k the "nuke users" would finally get the message "STOP USING NUKE PLANTS".