Recent content by Marupinku

  1. M


    So, I guess I'm new. I'm 19, my name is Marcus, I like music, anime, manga, religion, philosophy, fashion, other crap. I live in the United States, Pennsylvania to be more specific. Hi. =3
  2. M

    Uh.. Can't we just be friends?

    As a male, I find this to be really annoying as well. If I'm talking to a female who I want to be friends with that I just met out somewhere, before she has a chance to get to know me, a lot of times she'll make assumptions I'm hitting on her. While this isn't the case, and if a person talks...
  3. M

    what do you listen to?

    Pretty much most genres. Blues, rock, metal, noise, classical, hip hop, electronic, country, jazz, et cetera. Too many bands to try and list, but my account is
  4. M

    Too Much Info, Girl!

    You guys aren't posting what I wanted you to, must be trolling.
  5. M

    Links killed Grrr

    If I could get the links for this as well that'd be great. Thanks.
  6. M

    Links killed Grrr

    If I could get the links sometime as well I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks.
  7. M

    Share FAQ

    Alright, thanks. I was confused on the Triggers/Queries thing then. Using a query rather than a trigger is actually bringing about results, which before I wasn't getting any, so thank you for your help.
  8. M

    Too Much Info, Girl!

    So she likes beans and mac and cheese, it just seems like the same type of irrelevant status update everyone else posts on Facebook. Don't particularly see any medical problems, or her weight, playing any importance here really.
  9. M

    Does anyone actually pay for hotfile or rapidshare?

    I have a premium account to MegaUpload and Rapidshare, but I share the MU account with four people, and the rapidshare one with three people. Ends up being quite cheap that way.
  10. M

    Share FAQ

    I can't seem to get Share set up properly. I've followed the FAQ on the first page, but I'm still having some issues. When I go to the Log tab, it does say that it's connected, and that the global IP is resolved. On the Nodes tab it shows the list constantly moving, with the Direction...
  11. M

    OpenNap and Utatane FAQ

    I mostly have music, and that's probably what I'll mostly be using Utatane for. So, I had a couple of questions regarding my shared files, since most of what's been talked about here was video files. First, the impression I've gotten is that with music releases the folders should be zipped and...