Recent content by Inca

  1. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    ^Same errors after processing with Vobblanker. :notagain: Thanks for you guys' help. I've spent all day with this and think I'm just gonna give up!
  2. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    I have. In fact I have to because I'm still having that indexing problem with every ISO I try to encode. It will only encode the first VOB. So I merge them all with Vobmerge. When I play the merged vob file it plays the audio the whole way through but still errors out when I try to extract. I...
  3. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    Having a problem with what I believe may be a bad ISO. After decrypting, I did a oneclick encode with Vit's 1.0 beta 3. When i came home it had finished but the last job to mux the video and audio had errored out. I noticed another job earlier had errored out which i think was the demux. So i...
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    We're back!

    I came back and the site went down :( Cheers to Rolly and the staff for their hard work!
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    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    I tested another ISO and it does the same thing. Only encoding/indexing the first VOB. It's extracting properly as far as the naming goes: VTS_01_1.VOB, VTS_01_2.VOB , VTS_01_3.VOB, etc. Autoload VOB files incremently is checked in options for DGIndex... ...strange. Anyway thanks SamKook I...
  6. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    - pretty sure it didnt crash. I deleted everything and decrypted the ISO again and ran the first VOB and it is only encoding the first 19 minutes again. - The preview video only showed the first VOB. - No changes were made whatsoever. Dropped VTS_01_1.VOB in Input File and hit Go...
  7. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    Pardon the noob question, but I'm trying to get back into encoding and have apparently forgotten everything. :notagain: I'm using MeguIVit Beta-3. I extracted the ISO using DVD Decrypter. Went to the One-Click and selected the first VOB file VTS_01_1.VOB as always and let it...
  8. [DLGN-006] Maiza Midori 緑マイザ - First Love はつ恋

    Name: MIDORI Maiza 緑マイザ Date of Birth: 1991/01/09 Title: First Love 初恋 DVD Code: DLGN-006 Release Date: 2006/09/22 Size: 937MB Runtime: 1h05m58s Format: MP4 720x480 sar 32:27 facebook Support your favorite Idol! Buy this DVD here! Known Password/s iloveiv
  9. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    Yup. but normally I have TGMC config'd with 'rep0=0, SVthin=0.0' which gives me a little boost. Don't know if you have Megu IV setup that way. The first time I tried it, it was 40% slower than normal. I just tried it again and now it's only about 20% slower. I'm pretty sure the problem is my...
  10. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    I didn't get the chance to try v0.04, but v0.05 seems to be working just fine, it created the d2v and encoded the audio, and is a few minutes into the video encoding. And yeah, it's slow. Will check results tomorrow.
  11. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    Rolly I'm still getting the same path errors with V0.03. Has anyone else running Vista tried this? And I see that you used Megu IV with the new Tomoe release, I take it then that it auto-crops and resizes to eliminate the black bar across the top?
  12. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    Sorry I meant exe not dll As soon as I hit GO, it errored out with: Exception message: Calling setup of processor failed with error 'Required file 'D:\bin\megui\tools\dgindex\dgindex.exe' is missing.' So I changed the program path of dgindex.exe to where it was on my C drive. Went thru the...
  13. I

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    This looks very cool. I'm testing on Vista 32 bit now. ... Getting errors about not finding plugins. It's assuming all my dll files are in D:\bin\megui\tools\... My dll's are in C:\program files\megui\tools, but when I go to settings>program paths, it's not listing some of the folders...
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    A Japanese Movie

    Looks good, has an 8.4 on imdb, cant believe I missed it. Downloading now. Apparently the 10 year old girl steals the show.
  15. I

    A Japanese Movie

    Nobody Knows is a good one too, as is All About Lily Chou-Chou that Ceewan mentioned. Unlike Not One Less, both of those films will leave you with a cold, empty feeling inside, though. I like those tragic films.