Recent content by harrylime_123

  1. H


    In my view there is one girl that stands out above all the rest. I have never seen her make a bad face when swallowing and throughout her career she have swallowed perhaps more loads that anyone? She has made many Gokkun titles and each one is a joy to watch for me! I am talking about Mika...
  2. H


    I was always a fan of tsuna kimura. In some of her movies she struggles a bit with swallowing...but she is a trooper! Milky-Cat does a lot of bukkake but their gokkun vids are generally pretty good! I will say this though, and its my personal taste, I like it when the girl swallows loads one...
  3. H


    This is just an observation. Gokkun/ Bukkake movies here and on other download sites, usually post screenshots. I am leary of screenshots where the actress is supposed to swallow or receive multiple loads but the screenshots do not show a lot of men. It reeks to me of fake cum which I abhor...
  4. H


    Sadly this appears to be the case. I have hope though. I have said before that we are the ones who control what the Studios make. If we demand Gokkun from M's for example and do not buy the vids they are currently putting out, they will start up again. The Studios are in it to make money and we...
  5. H


    Just an observation....Every month I hope that M's will post some good gokkun. They used to be the best at! I am saddened by this...and I hope they will change back. I have said before that what is produced is driven by what the public buys. The movie studios want to make...
  6. H

    Any movies where guy kiss girl with cum on her face?

    what is the name of the full movie??
  7. H


    When I find movies (old and new) that profess to be gokkun, I always look at the screen shots. If I don't see many men, then I am leary. There is so much fakery in this genre, Editing and the mosaic make it look real. There are, of course, movies with few men where the gokkun shots are real. I...
  8. H


    i want to add Mika Osawa to the list!
  9. H


    What a fucking bunch of weirdos you all are!!...I am too...this is why I love this group!! lol
  10. H


    I agree with you...However...I think there is a pendulum effect. Right now it has swung away from Gokkun. I think it will swing back and we will see more. What you say is true about studios like MVG and others. But Porn is a ultimately a consumer driven business not a company or even actress...
  11. H

    Any movies where guy kiss girl with cum on her face?

    Wow...I appreciate this effort!
  12. H


    This guy Kirin!! he is one sick dude!! depraved!! and I love him to death!! I think I have everyone of his movies. I like how he does not stick with one studio. There is never any fake cum in his movies and he brings out the best in the actresses!!
  13. H


    Happy New Year...I love Gokkun!! I love this Group...a great bunch of people here!! Lets hope that the pendulum will swing away from other types of vids and that we see more Gokkun in 2021!!
  14. H

    Gokkun bad!