Recent content by cakkester

  1. cakkester

    An interesting and a bit disturbing article I saw today

    Thanks Jugulear. I could make up some story about being a monk who took a vow of silence seven years ago, reserving only one day per year to communicate...but that would probably not be too believable. Let's just say then that I hope to increase my postings/year ratio. After all, it cannot get...
  2. cakkester

    An interesting and a bit disturbing article I saw today

    This article about the Japanese porn industry
  3. cakkester

    Twitch site similiar to watch JAV?

    I agree. It would be great if there was a site to watch JAV with friends that also let you chat at the same time.
  4. cakkester

    You have great taste.

    You have great taste.
  5. cakkester

    Rare Natsumi Kitahara Videos

    Can you point me to some of them online, in torrents, if you know about them? I checked a couple of places but I couldn't find any.
  6. cakkester

    Rare Natsumi Kitahara Videos

    If you find any of these online, please let us know. I love Natsumi!
  7. cakkester

    Natsumi Kitahara Tribute Thread

    Thank you for posting this. I recently discovered her and she is also one of my favorites. I am trying to find as many of her videos as possible. If you know of any more, please tell me.