Help with uBlock filters to block or bypass a download counter script.


New Member
Jul 21, 2015
I have a paid subscription to this idol video site:

The frustrating part is that, even with a paid subscription, the site limits you to only download or watch 6 videos per day. I think this is a bit silly considering what they charge, so I'm wondering if any of you really smart folks can help me figure out how to block or bypass the script that keeps track of how many videos were downloaded. I'm fairly certain that this is possible because the site sometimes misses counting downloads already.

When a download button is pressed, the site sends a xhr request that looks like this:

The response received looks like this:

{"cnt":-1,"timeToWait":"23:41:45","endtime":"2024-09-01 06:17:32"}

Given that the site sometimes doesn't count downloads, I'm wondering if replacing the response may allow unlimited downloads.

If anyone can help with this, I would be very grateful!